What a Relief!

Keith NoakesDecember 1, 2015n/a2 min

So last weekend in the U.S. was Thanksgiving and with that comes the annual shopping extravaganza that is Black Friday and to a lesser extent Cyber Monday. Luckily retailers in Canada have begun to adopt this tradition and have adopted similar type sales of their own. I do admit to partaking in some of these sales in the past but I can’t say that I have this year and I’m glad I did. I’ve often heard of the craziness that occurs down there, in the U.S.,  during that time and I could be wrong but I’ve never heard of that happening in Canada. For those who stayed away or for those who just want some entertainment, I’ve posted some videos of general Black Friday craziness. I’m not sure if they’re all of this year but it doesn’t really matter.



Boxing Day awaits!

I’ve been real active on the site today but I will have a review of Brooklyn to end the day.

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