The Liebster Award

Keith NoakesFebruary 21, 2016n/a8 min

Thanks to Alicia Johnson of Reel Red Reviews for nominating me for my site’s first ever award, the Liebster Award. You should check out her site as it has a lot of good stuff to offer movie fans.

The Liebster Award is an online award for bloggers to gain more support, recognition and just to get to know the person behind the blogger. It also helps others to discover new blogs and to build a sense of community in the blogging world.


How does the Liebster Award Work? Here are the rules:

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you
  • Nominate 11 bloggers that you think are deserving of the award
  • Let the bloggers know you nominated them
  • Give them 11 questions of your own


Here were her questions for me and my answers:

What is your favorite movie from 2015?

– Spotlight

What are your most anticipated movies for this year?

At the beginning of the year, Hail, Caesar but from this point, Captain America: Civil War.

Biggest Disappointment (movie or TV show) from 2015?

Gotham (TV Show)

What celebrity do you think you’d get along really well with , who could be your best friend?

Tom Hanks, I just think he’s the best.

Do you have a celebrity lookalike? If not, is there a celebrity you’ve always imagined yourself being like?

I don’t have a celebrity lookalike but I’ve always imagined myself being like

Do you have a travel bucket list? What are the top three places you’d like to visit?

I have a travel bucket list, I would like to go to Australia, Japan, and Africa.

Name your ideal comfort meal.

A good burger and french fries.

If you could choose any epic movie death, which way would you go?

In a lightsaber duel.

Which fictional town (or school, like Hogwarts) would you choose to live in?


What’s the first movie you remember seeing?

The Lion King

How long have you been blogging for, and why did you start?

I’ve been blogging since June 2015. I started because I’ve always liked movies and going to the theater. My friends suggested I should write reviews. After a while, I finally started a website and the rest is history 🙂

Here are my  Nominees

  1. Assholes Watching Movies
  2. A Tale of Two Dans
  3. Cinetactic
  4. LazySundayMovies
  5. Jordan and Eddie (The Movie Guys)
  6. Movierob
  7. Geeky Cheeky Always Sneaky
  8. scribbleofstageandscreen
  9. Polar Bears Watch TV
  10. Love Your Films
  11. ReviewsWithB

I’m not sure if I’m allowed to nominate the person who nominated me but Reel Red Reviews should at least be an honorary mention.

My questions would be and I do apologize for some of them being similar to the questions I was asked:

  1. What was your favorite movie of 2015?
  2. What was your least favorite movie of 2015?
  3. What is your favorite movie of all time?
  4. What is your least favorite movie of all time?
  5. What movies this year are you most looking forward to?
  6. How often do you get popcorn when you go to the theater?
  7. Do you like watching a movie in a theater or at home?
  8. Where is your favorite place to sit in a theater?
  9. Do you still buy physical movies or do you stream them?
  10. What is the most movies you’ve seen in a day?
  11. What do you do when you’re not watching movies?

I would like to end this by thanking Alicia again for my first nomination and I hope that my answers were sufficient.