Penny Dreadful Season 3 Episode 9 Preview

Keith NoakesJune 19, 2016n/a2 min

Some of you probably just saw the premiere of episode 8 of season 3 of Penny Dreadful. I will not get the chance to watch this live but that won’t stop me from continuing what I’ve been doing and posting a preview despite it not being very practical with the next episode airing immediately after.  This content did come a little late but I decided to post it anyway. I wanted to live tweet episode 8 and 9 but my satellite stopped working. If you would like to read my thoughts, just continue to follow me on Twitter. If you would also like to watch a preview of tonight’s other episode and season finale and also a few clips, you can watch these below. Because of its potentially spoiler-ish nature, please continue to the next page. As always, you can follow me on Twitter as I will continue to live tweet many other TV shows.