Sunshine Blogger Award #4

Keith NoakesJanuary 22, 2017n/a6 min

I would like to thank Film and Nuance for this great honor with another Sunshine Blogger Award nomination. It always feels good to be recognized by your fellow bloggers.


Here are the rules:

  • Post the award on your blog
  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions they set you
  • Pick another 11 bloggers (and let them know they are nominated!)
  • Give them 11 questions


Here are his questions for me and my answers in bold:


What are your plans for 2017?

– Watching movies and building a well-rounded website.

How do you chill and relax?

– Watching TV or just sitting and not thinking about anything.

What, in life, are you most grateful for?

– Friends and family.

How do you deal with regrets?

– What regrets?

You could hang out with one person (still alive) for a day and you could go anywhere, who would you go with and where?

– Tom Hanks and wherever he wants to go.

Sunrise or sunset?

– Sunset.

Name the one place you have to visit before you die.

– Australia.

Which movie do you think will win Best Picture at this year’s Oscars, and which movie do you hope will win (if they are not already the same)?

– La La Land but I wouldn’t be upset with Moonlight.

What’s your favorite indie film?

– The most recent I can think of is Swiss Army Man.

What’s your favorite book?

– The last books I’ve read are the Game of Thrones series but I also liked The Da Vinci Code.


Now here are my nominees:



Reads & Reels




Lazy Sunday Movies

Just Shrewd Me

Assholes Watching Movies

Jason’s Movie Blog

Film Frenzy


Now here are my 11 questions (I’m going to try hard and think of new ones and I’m sorry if I’ve asked them already in the past):

  1. What do you like to do in your spare time?
  2. What would like to do if you had more time?
  3. If you can only watch one movie or TV show the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
  4. What is your favorite TV show right now?
  5. What was your favorite movie of 2016?
  6. What was your least favorite movie of 2016?
  7. What is your most anticipated movie of 2017?
  8. What is your least anticipated movie of 2017?
  9. Any movie or TV guilty pleasures?
  10. What is your Best Picture winner at this year’s Oscars?
  11. Do you still watch trailers?


Thanks again for Film and Nuance for nominating me and I hope you check him out!