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Synopsis: Stella and Wes agree to always tell each other the truth; Wes struggles when it comes to Dr. Grant; Stella helps Aiden get a job at her coffee shop; Lizzie and Diego try to get things back to normal with the kids. (TVGuide)
Writer: Nelson Soler
Director: Norman Buckley
Rating: TV-PG
Running Time: 45mins
Airs: Thursdays at 10pm on Bravo (Canada)/Fridays at 9pm on The CW (United States)
This week’s episode of Life Sentence caught me off-guard but in a good way. It was unexpected, surprising, and threw in an unexpected–especially for a show that has been teeter-tottering between heavy and light.
The episode kicks off with Stella having dreams about messing around with the sexy Dr. Grant, and even imagines Wes as him while they’re hooking up. Talk about awkward! Things have been tense between Wes and Stella ever since Pippa made an appearance but finally, this episode gave them a moment to momentarily connect.
Unfortunately, Ida is not doing so great and is recovering from her breakup and staying with Diego and Lizzie. But she begins to overstay her welcome when the two don’t get a moment to themselves and can’t find a way to tell Ida to leave their house.
Aiden gets a job as a barista with Stella at the coffee shop and is quickly hired because of his ridiculously good looks. Meanwhile, Stella tries to avoid Dr. Grant as much as possible, even when he comes with the good news that Sadie got into one of the clinical trials.
Things start taking a turn for Aiden after a woman comes into the coffee shop and convinces him to start selling pills again. He begins using the coffee shop as a means to get rid of the supply he still has but is caught when Stella finds out what is going on. But this moment turns into an arrest when the cops show up and end up arresting Stella and Aiden.
Stella is released from jail because witnesses told the cops she had nothing to do with the pills but they ratted out Aiden. Despite how angry she is with him, Stella wants to help him get out and asks the family to help. However, they are done bailing him out of his problems and want him to face the consequences for once.
Stella visits Aiden to tell him the news and he finally tells her how he got caught up in the business in the first place. When Stella was sick, he couldn’t concentrate on school or work and someone convinced him to sell drugs to make money so he could spend more time with Stella. Eventually, Stella bails him by selling her scooter.
There is another awkward run-in with Dr. Grant but this time she tells him to stay away from her because she is happily married and that Wes will never understand her the way he does. Unluckily for her, Wes hears everything and is disheartened at what Stella has to say about him.
As the episode comes to an end, it seems Stella and Wes aren’t the couple we first met when the series started. There’s trouble in paradise and there may not be a solution for the time being. At least Lizzie and Diego were finally given some alone time after Ida overheard they wanted some space.
Aiden finally comes home and tells Peter he feels betrayed for not getting any help from the family. And then comes the plot twist of the week, Aiden already has a previous charge on his record and the pills he was dealing are considered the same as selling cocaine–thus he may face felony charges. Uh oh.
Life Sentence has been a welcome change in the CW world, and I’m actually thoroughly enjoying it. It is light-hearted but serious, romantic, but real, happy, but sad. And this week hits all of those emotions perfectly and effortlessly. But for now Aiden’s future is a little worrying and it will be interesting to see if Stella and Wes will make it through this rough patch. Let’s hope all ends well!
Score: 8/10
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