RBG presents an incredible look into one of the most inspirational women of the century.
Synopsis: An intimate portrait of an unlikely rock star: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. With unprecedented access, the filmmakers explore how her early legal battles changed the world for women.
Directors: Betsy West & Julie Cohen
Rating: PG
Running Time: 98mins
RBG premiered this week on CNN and chronicles the life and career of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. But this documentary isn’t the usual mundane, boring description of the person’s life but rather a look back into what Ginsburg has accomplished in her career, specifically for women and minorities.
The emphasis on this aspect of her career was the better choice because it is precisely what has made her who she is, and why so many people look up to her. The documentary premiered at the 2018 Sundance Festival and immediately received critical acclaim.
During the documentary, we learn a lot about what Ginsburg early life was like, and how she paved the way for future generations of females to enter into the justice system as a career. In fact, she was one of a handful of women in her law school class. and still persevered despite the restrictions that were placed on her. In fact, the documentary did an amazing job illustrating the struggles she faced and the discrimination she was held back by just because she was a woman.
One particular part of the documentary that really stood out is learning about her relationship with her husband. They were together for nearly 5 decades before he passed away in 2010, but this film got up close and personal with Ginsburg as she reflected on their marriage, and the early days of courtship. This was all done in an elegant and beautiful way, and instead of just listing out facts, we got to learn about Ginsburg as if we were sitting down with her ourselves.
RBG encapsulates Ginsburg’s life through the interviews, old home videos, her earlier sessions in court as she would dissent her opinions, and much more with the right genre of background music to go along with it. It presented so much information about her as a person that not many may have known otherwise.
Perhaps the best part about the documentary was learning about how she has impacted even the current generation, and the support she gets from them for all she advocates for. As is seen in the film, from day one Ginsburg has a been a loud voice against any injustices and continues to be as she works until the late hours of the night. It’s really impressive the extent to which she has gone every day of her career, and it’s been noticed by the children of today.
RBG was a fabulous insight into Ruth Bader Ginsburg and did such a wonderful job telling the audience about the ups and downs of her home and career life, and how she faced a great many battles before getting to where she is today. Thank you to those that created the film that reminded us of the injustices many have faced before, and how their fight has created a better today for all of us.
RBG, we heart you.
Score: 8.5/10
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