For our review of the last episode of The Good Doctor, click here.
Synopsis:Dr. Murphy feels overwhelmed by the chaos and noise in the emergency room; Dr. Reznick struggles to keep her patients alive; Dr. Lim fights for her life. (TV Guide)
Writers: Simran Baidwan and Mark Rozeman
Director: Mike Listo
Rating: TV-14
Running Time: 41mins
Airs: Mondays at 10pm on CTV (Canada)/ABC (United States)
It was chaos at the end of the last episode so it’s only fitting that this episode started that way. Murphy was succumbing to all the pressure so he had to calm himself down despite everything else going on. Focusing on medical stuff got him out of his funk. Meanwhile, Melendez and Browne were attempting to revive Chris and going against the NDR he signed. Back at the quarantine, Park couldn’t take what was happening to Kellan anymore so he found a way in to help him.
Reznick was still tending to Lim who was feeling regretful. Melendez was still trying to find way to get Chris the bone marrow he needed but they had to find a way to maneuver around the quarantine. The other quarantine patients are stable and now Murphy was after Park took out the buzzing light that had been plaguing him. Now another patient’s water broke so they would now need to deliver a baby.
Lim was getting worse and the delivery was not going easy either. Meanwhile, Melendez and Andrews found a way to circumvent the quarantine so that Melendez and Park could perform the bone marrow transplant from two different levels of the hospital. Murphy was facing complications with the delivery so he would have to perform a c-section for the first time. The bone marrow transplant and the c-section were intercut with one another. Murphy was starting to crack under the pressure but he was keeping it together. Both the baby and the mother were facing complications. After withdrawing the bone marrow, Chris’ father was having heart problems. Kellan assisted with the baby while Murphy devised a way to save the mother. While Chris’ transplant was a success, Park couldn’t save Chris’ father. Murphy would save both the mother and the baby.
The results of Glassman’s latest test results were still undetermined but he still believed that his cancer was back. He was not willing to tell Murphy about it, however, Lea tried to press him into changing his mind. Glassman tried to turn things around on Lea. In reality, Glassman’s cancer was not back as he has meningitis. He still wasn’t going to tell Murphy though. Lea continued to plead him to tell Murphy. They would eventually make their way to the hospital.
Lim was able to recover as the quarantine came to an end. She and Melendez had a nice moment. Over time spent together during the quarantine, Park and Kellan would get over their issues. Park wasn’t in the right place for the longest time which would put a strain on their relationship, however, things were looking better for them. Lea’s pleading seemed to work as Glassman told Murphy about his meningitis. They even hugged.
Overall, Quarantine Part Two was a great return for The Good Doctor and a nice wrap up. Thank God that Lim didn’t die here as a few character had some big moments here. From Murphy going from cowering on the floor to pulling himself up to save a pregnant mother and baby as well as the other quarantine patients, to Reznick and Lim, to Park and Kellan, and the bone marrow transplant drama, there were plenty of compelling character moments to be had. The Glassman subplot could have waited but it was nice to Lea standing up for Murphy. Highmore, Lee, and Chang were particularly good in this episode as Murphy, Park, and Lim respectively as they were all put through the ringer here. Though the quarantine may be over, the fallout is not over as the preview for next week’s episode implies. It will definitely be interesting to see what happens.
Score: 9/10
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The EIC of the coincidentally-named A Canadian who prefers to get out of the cold and into the warmth of a movie theatre.