The Flash Season 5 Episode 10: The Flash & The Furious Review

Ariba BhuvadJanuary 16, 2019n/a11 min

For our review of the last episode of The Flash, click here.

Synopsis: While Nora grapples with the revelation that Thawne killed her grandmother, Team Flash must stop Weather Witch and Silver Ghost, a new villain who can control engines and motorized technology; Caitlin and Cisco discuss creating a metahuman cure. (TVGuide)

Writers: Kelly Wheeler and Sterling Gates

Director: David McWhirter

Rating: TV-PG

Running Time: 43mins

Airs: Tuesdays at 8pm on Space (Canada)/The CW (United States)

The Flash is back but the new year is certainly not doing it any favors. While the first half of the season was quite enjoyable, this episode fell short of expectations. It’s a pity considering how exciting the crossover was. Sigh, one day The Flash will have a flawless season.

The episode starts off in 2049 with Nora paying a visit to Eobard Thawne. She recently learned that he was responsible for her grandmother’s death, and she’s livid. Nora has no desire to work with him and feels betrayed by someone she appears to have trusted–we’re not sure why.

Back in the present, the team is trying to figure out what to do with Cicada. There’s not much time to plan because he’s been fairly M.I.A. and until he resurfaces, not much can be done. Plus, Cecile is heading back to work and the team plans on being there for the trial. Barry is going to be a witness because Weather Witch is the one on trial. Things take a weird turn during Cecile’s questioning when she starts to pick up remorseful vibes from Weather Witch.  It messes her up momentarily and she has a change of heart.

At S.T.A.R. Labs, Caitlin is busy helping remove the glass shards from Cisco’s hand. Given that they have so much free time at the moment, Cisco is really starting to enjoy it. But things can never stay quiet for too long as somewhere else in Central City a car is stolen by a woman known as Silver Ghost.

Barry has to leave from the trial before he can take the stand and rushes alongside Nora to handle the stolen car situation. However, when Barry tries to phase through the car he ends up being unable to stop phasing. He keeps going through everything and Nora has to try and counteract the phasing while she takes him back to the lab.

Cisco and Caitlin suggest that they hold him in one of the cells so his powers can be dampened. This puts Barry out of service for the remainder of the episode leaving it up to everyone else to handle things. In his place, Nora takes the stand at the trial and answers Cecile’s questions. Things get heated when Nora gets super emotional about how the Weather Witch caused so much chaos and tried to kill innocent people. This prompted the Weather Witch to stand up and admit that she is guilty.

Cisco was certainly on some sort of journey in this week’s episode and he appears to be detached from using his powers. In fact, he even mentions feeling more at peace since not using them. He becomes more curious when he realizes the shards are taking away his power versus slowing them down. It essentially means it could be turned into some sort of anti-meta cure. Caitlin doesn’t agree with Cisco and tells him that not everyone is looking to get rid of their powers.

While being taken to prison, Silver Ghost stops the truck taking the Weather Witch and takes her away. But let’s not forget the Weather Witch isn’t looking to run away, she just wants to live out her punishment. Team Flash figures out that the Silver Ghost’s real name is Raya Van Zandt and she was previously kicked out of the military.

Forced by Silver Ghost to create a hurricane, the Weather Witch uses it to attract Team Flash. Nora speeds over to her and the Weather Witch confesses she wants to turn herself in but needs Nora’s help. No one will believe that she didn’t try to run away but with Nora backing her up, she’ll have more credibility.

Cisco is making progress with this so-called cure but Killer Frost shows up and destroys what he’s working on. Let’s just say that Cisco was not happy at all, but I’m not sure if this whole aspect of the plot is even that interesting.

Thanks to Nora’s distrust in the Weather Witch, she agrees to help Silver Ghost. But when they are racing down the street right towards Nora, the Weather Witch uses her staff to ice the roads so the car will slip and miss Nora.

After 24 hours, Barry is finally back to normal and it seems that everything seemed to work out fine without Barry’s help. Feeling bad about her Killer Frost move, Caitlin takes Cisco to her father’s lab. There are enough materials there to help Cisco achieve what he’s trying to do.

Nora heads forward to 2049 and decides to help Thawne out after all. While everyone else is unaware of Nora’s suspect behavior, Sherloque is not so easy to fool. He goes to Gideon to ask for files on Nora–but they’ve all been eliminated by her.

It’s not unreasonable to want The Flash to be more exciting but it’s just not. Nora’s storyline feels a bit flat, and honestly, predictable. It’s unclear where the whole Cicada story is going but it seems pretty boring as well. Here’s hoping that the series realigns itself and gives us The Flash we all know and love.

Score: 6/10

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