Batwoman (1×15) Off With Her Head Review

Ariba BhuvadMarch 16, 2020n/a5 min
Holly Dale
Natalie Abrams
Running Time
45 minutes
Sundays 8pm
The CW, Showcase
Overall Score
Rating Summary
Batwoman makes some progress on the Alice arc while maintaining a fairly intriguing storyline for the other characters. But don't hold my breathe, Batwoman fans.

For our review of the last episode of Batwoman, click here.

Synopsis: More of Alice’s dark past is uncovered when Cartwright shares a twisted story with Kate; Jacob goes searching for his wayward daughter; Mary and Luke follow a lead on Beth’s killer. (TVGuide)

Off With Her Head kicks off with Cartwright left next to the Bat-signal, beaten and bruised, with a note reading “Ask about Mommy Dearest”. What the what is going on here?

Well, Kate can’t call Mommy Dearest, so she calls the next best person–Daddy. Jacob finally learns that Alice is alive and well, and is the one that dropped Cartwright off for Batwoman to find. He quickly reveals that Alice is with Mouse, and may be in danger because he left them with the toxin that makes Scarecrow, well, Scarecrow. Of course, Mouse made Alice inhale the toxins in, and now her worst fear has manifested into the form of Cartwright’s mother, Mabel. Let’s just say Mabel wasn’t the best human and used to hurt Alice whenever she’d drop by for a visit. She was a pretty horrendous person, so it comes as no surprise that it is the person that Alice sees as her worst nightmare.

Kate and Jacob strike up a deal with Cartwright in order to save Alice’s life. They let him go in exchange for telling them where Alice is, and in the nick of time, Jacob is able to inject Alice with the neutralizing agent she needs to save her life.

The episode’s most disturbing moment was when a young Alice finds her mother’s head in Cartwright’s freezer. Cartwright’s mother harbored a strong obsession for Kate and Alice’s mother, and it is why things played out the way they did. I think this was a pretty solid reveal, and I’m glad we got to make more sense of how the past connects with the present–finally.

Batwoman fans will surely start stanning Mary and Luke after this week’s episode which had them doing some detective work together. Thanks to them, Kate found out that Cartwright killed the other Beth, but her anger got the best of her and she took his life. This marks the first time Kate has actually killed someone.

Do Alice and Kate suddenly have more in common? Yikes.

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