The Flash (6×17) Liberation Review

Ariba BhuvadApril 29, 2020n/a8 min
Jeff Byrd
Jonathan Butler, Gabriel Garza
Running Time
43 minutes
Tuesdays 8pm
The CW
Overall Score
Rating Summary
The Flash continues to be cheesy to the point that it butchers one of DC's original and classic superhero's arc.

For our review of the last episode of The Flash, click here.

Synopsis: After recent events, Barry takes a closer look at his life with Iris; Eva makes a bold move. (IMDb)

When you think that The Flash couldn’t get worse–it does. Honestly, it has barely served any purpose whatsoever beyond its role in the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover. It’s consistently given us mediocre stories, confusing tangents, and now ended on this whole “Mirror Iris” situation which has gone on for entirely too long, and shows no signs of stopping.

After a whirlwind of multiple episodes spent on this crap, Barry finally comes to the realization that the Iris he has believed to be his wife, isn’t. It took him a long time to get there, and it only occurred to him after she kicked him out. I hate to break it ya Barry, but it was kind of obvious long before that–just saying. His mission to prove that this Iris wasn’t his Iris didn’t quite go as planned since Eva was privy to all his planning. Unbeknownst to him, she’s always watching from the mirror dimension and spoils all his plans to uncover what he believes to be true. He manages to get Cecile on board after perusing through Iris’ “The Citizen” pictures. Barry finds a picture of “Iris” but she’s blocked out by the prism effect. He tries to prove this point but doesn’t realize Eva swapped the prism gun out for another and turned the tables on him instead. Nash and Cecile are led to believe Barry is the imposter and proceed to lock him up. Of course, we forget Cecile has mind reading powers, and can immediately pick up on something being off.

A very long story short, Barry is eventually let out by Cecile and zooms home to find “Iris” communicating with Eva. Earlier in the episode, “Iris”, “Captain Singh”, and “Kamilla” sneak in to ARGUS to acquire some of Ramsey Russo’s blood. It’s the key to getting Eva out of the mirror dimension, apparently? Not sure when we learned that, but we just have to go with it. So, when Barry shows up, it’s in the middle of that whole “extract Eva out” situation. With “Iris'” secret out, she lets her true self show which involves her arms turning into sharp pointed mirror swords. What follows is a battle between “Iris” cutting the crap out of Barry while he tries to run away to every corner of their home which is covered with mirrors for some reason.

While all of this is happening, the real Iris is watching from the mirror dimension and soon realizes that if she messes with Eva’s head, it messes with her mirror minions as well. So the taunting begins which causes “Iris” to waver in her pursuit to stab Barry to death. Somehow realizing the real Iris is helping him, Barry tries to talk sense into “Iris”, trying to appeal to the real Iris inside of her. For some reason, it works, and the mirror Iris chooses herself, and then breaks apart in shards of mirror. Yes, it’s ridiculous. Anyway, Eva finally steps out of the mirror dimension, leaving the real Iris behind. Unfortunately, Barry’s declining speed has also impacted his ability to heal so he’s quick to recover, and by the time he does, Eva is nowhere to be found.

The episode ends with Barry and Iris whispering romantic nothings to each other simultaneously through the mirror, with each unaware that it’s happening.

Honestly, the episode should have just stuck with Ralph and Cisco this episode as they tried to save Caitlin from freezing to death. Side note: She had some sort of light wound, and now needs her mother’s help to get better from it.

And that was it.

So. disappointing.

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