- Starring
- Dick Johnson, Kirsten Johnson
- Writers
- Nels Bangerter, Kirsten Johnson
- Director
- Kirsten Johnson
- Rating
- PG-13 (United States)
- Running Time
- 89 minutes
- Release Date
- October 2nd, 2020 (Netflix)
Overall Score
Rating Summary
Who would have thought that the best nicecore film of 2020 would be a film called Dick Johnson is Dead but weirder things have happened. The titular Dick Johnson is the father of Kirsten Johnson, the film’s director and also the director of the highly acclaimed documentary Cameraperson. Having a hard time dealing with the fact her father was going to pass soon because of his fading memory, she decided to capture these moments. Essentially, the film is yet another example of the power of the medium, encapsulating these important moments with our loved ones before they pass on since filming something is easier then remembering it.
Dick Johnson is Dead saw Kirsten film her father at his most honest. What we see is a portrait of a warm and lovable human being. It’s so nice to see a subject of any film be someone who isn’t the least bit problematic or broken. Dick Johnson seems so at peace in the world and in his life. The film prominently features his faith as viewers can clearly see that the man truly understands what it is to love and accept Christ. Several films in the past have brought up religion as a way to bully its audience but this film rather portrays an honest man at peace with where he was in his life. The lack of propaganda was definitely a refreshing change of pace. It makes the film so much more powerful to just see how beautiful and charming this man was, one that genuinely loved life while wanting the best for people.
The film shows extended sequences of all the different ways Dick could die, be it falling down the stairs or by having a refrigerator dropped on his head. One would think these scenes would be hard to watch yet the film’s need to let viewers know how scripted these sequences are made them a delight to watch. Dick’s reactions in the heaven sequences are just so pure and lovely. The tonal line which this film treads was also quite the achievement. It may contain a fair share of dark humor but it all comes from joy rather than somewhere mean-spirited. This rare approach was truly a revelation.
At the end of the day, Dick Johnson is Dead is a film where one can’t help but leave viewers hopeful. Specifically hopeful that they live fulfilling and long lives but also when they approach the inevitable time of their deaths, they know that they have have left behind a good life before accepting a peaceful afterlife. Meanwhile, hopefully the film receives some recognition come Oscar season in the Best Documentary category as it is certainly the best documentary of 2020 and one worth checking out. Though it may sounds weird saying this, Dick Johnson is Dead is good fun for the whole family.
still courtesy of Netflix
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