The Flash (7×09) Timeless Review

Ariba BhuvadMay 12, 202165/100n/a7 min
Menhaj Huda
Kristen Kim, Joshua V. Gilbert
Running Time
43 minutes
Tuesdays 8pm
The CW
Overall Score
Rating Summary
Barry makes a decision to take care of the Forces while The Flash reveals how Cisco will exit the series in this rather boring episode.

For our review of the last episode of The Flash, click here.

Synopsis: After a devastating betrayal, Barry turns to Timeless Wells for help; Iris leads Team Citizen down a dangerous road in search of answers; Cisco confides his biggest fear to Kamilla. (IMDb)

The Flash announced that Carlos Valdes and Tom Cavanagh would be officially exiting the series after this season comes to an end. While Valdes is still sticking around until the end of the episode, Cavanagh is officially done.

It makes sense that this announcement was made last week because in this week’s episode, “Timeless”, Cisco and Kamilla make the decision to leave Central City once and for all. The time has come for change, and Cisco can feel it in the air. It’s going to be so saddening to see Valdes leave the show as he is one of the only great things about it. Sigh, I fear for what will become of this series.

The Speed Force goes full evil in this episode as she kills Alexa, and proves she is rather dangerous. While Iris thinks they should be thinking clearly, Barry was thinking of ways to deal with the Forces and believed they should be destroyed. But that would be a bit more complicated considering they reside within actual people. We’ve seen time and time again how Barry lets emotions get the best of him, and it often clouds his judgment. And because of that, Team Flash always finds itself in a hot mess. But luckily, sooner rather than later, Barry and Iris get on the same page about how to deal with the Forces.

The plan is to try their best to convince Psych, Deon, and Nora to come over to the good side. It won’t be easy, and asking someone to give up power is never an easy thing, but hey, they’ve dealt with Eva McCulloch, so they can do this, right? Things take a turn when Barry and Iris’s team-up somehow manages to bring Alexa back to life, which officially brings the Strength Force onto their side. This will certainly help them stop some of the Forces!

Considering in the episodes to come we’ll see Jordan Fisher play Bart Allen and see the return of Jessica Parker Kennedy as Nora Allen-West, it’s interesting to see Barry and Iris get back into parenting mode. That’s basically what was happening in this episode with the Forces, and it’s a pretty solid setup for what is to come. Timeless Wells comes back to help Barry with the Forces, and because he can time travel, it makes it a lot easier for Team Flash to get things done. But since there will be no more Wells on the show, this convenience won’t last forever.

Lastly, as mentioned, Kamilla and Cisco have decided to get out of Central City, and it looks like all roads lead to San Francisco where Kamilla’s pictures will be shown in a gallery. It’s a great way for him to exit the show, but it doesn’t mean we’ll miss him any less.

Perhaps there will be some guest appearances in the future? Please?

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