Mr. Corman Premiere Early Review

juliegnzAugust 5, 202185/100n/a7 min
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Eric Kaplan
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Aurora Guerrero
Running Time
64 minutes
Apple TV+
Overall Score
Rating Summary
Mr. Corman is a compelling series that is sure to draw in anyone struggling with mental health, covering some heavy subject matter with respect and care.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt who is an actor who has had an admirable career over the years. His body of work speaks volumes about the talent he has as an actor but Mr. Corman is wholly his creation. It’s a tough call to be the creator, writer, director and actor of their own series but he’s finally made that leap and it’s an ambitious one. JGL portrays Josh Corman, a school teacher who feels like life is literally slipping through his fingers. He’s almost neurotic about it, bringing on a full-blown anxiety attack. Corman doesn’t know what it is at first and part of his experience gives the audience a look at anxiety through his eyes. The series thus far is a journey well-worth taking, particularly for those who suffer from anxiety or depression.

Mental health can be a tricky topic and with Mr. Corman, JGL covers this admittedly heavy subject matter with respect and care. At first, the series leaves viewers wondering what’s happening or whatever is about to happen next which is exactly how Corman feels. Over time, it becomes increasingly evident that he needs help but he doesn’t know where to begin. His support system includes his roommate Victor (Arturo Castro) who is also his best friend and together they tackle this overwhelming experience. As viewers get to know who Corman is beyond being a teacher, one discovers that he’s just an average guy getting through life the best way he can. He’s stumbling and struggling like all of us do at some point in our lives. It’s a poignant view on how giving up on one’s dreams and the things they are passionate about in life can set one back further than they may have realized.

The topic of family is also briefly introduced in the form of Debra Winger as Corman’s mother Ruth. She seems way too distracted with herself to care about her son’s problems. Yet another thing many can probably relate to in life – sometimes one is going to feel completely alone. What does one do about it? Grin and bear it? Try and find support elsewhere? Or just curl up in bed and eventually give up on everyone including themselves? At first, it’s not obvious which road Corman will take. And that’s one of the deeper and more interesting aspects of the character. He’s a little unstable but he’s also aware of his situation and that he needs to do something about it – whatever that is.

Mr. Corman breaks up its heavier subject matter with some lighter moments which JGL pulls off with finesse. He is a naturally funny dude and Castro as Victor feeds off JGL’s energy in such a way that one could swear these guys were good friends in real life. The more humorous moments in the series are a light reprieve from the dominating tone of Corman’s “impending doom”. The light-heartedness in these scenes gives viewers  the impression that things might just look up. And we can only hope the remainder of the series continues to give viewers more of the same because it’s pretty amazing.

Mr. Corman is specific enough in its subject matter to draw in anyone that finds themselves struggling with mental health issues. However, it is also a series about a 30-something dude who gave up on his dreams of being a musician to settle into a life he doesn’t really want which is surely something that many can relate to. From that angle, JGL may have hit the jackpot with this series and his character is practically everyone at some point. And that might be the ticket for everyone to sit back, take a load off and get inside the head of a dude struggling with life and all its complexities. Sign us up for the long haul!

*still courtesy of Apple

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