What If? (1×06) What If… Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark? Review

Keith NoakesSeptember 15, 202174/100n/a4 min
Bryan Andrews
Matthew Chauncey
Running Time
33 minutes
Disney Plus
Overall Score
Rating Summary
Episode 6 was a ridiculous episode that saw Michael B. Jordan's Killmonger get his revenge on Wakanda.

For our review of the last episode of What If?, click here.

Michael B, Jordan’s Killmonger was an indisputable highlight of 2018’s Black Panther despite his unceremonious death by the end of the film (spoiler alert). Luckily for Killmonger fans, What If? gives him a chance to come back for another adventure but this adventure if unfortunately the weakest episode of the series thus far. Though the end result and motivations may have more or less been the same, the journey was slightly different albeit a little too much on the ridiculous side.

That began with what the episode title implies, what if Killmonger rescued Tony Stark? This act pretty much put an end to Iron Man as we know it, little did we know that this was all part of his master plan to have his revenge against Wakanda for the death of his father (just like in Black Panther). Manipulating Stark (Mick Wingert) and essentially the U.S. government, Killmonger enacted his plan to create a war between the United States and Wakanda as a means to get that revenge.

The question of whether or not Killmonger would actually get away with it a reasonable one but the fact that he kept getting away with everything so easily got a little too ridiculous which kind of took away from the impact of his actions. That being said, he wasn’t exactly fooling everyone as far as Pepper Potts (Beth Hoyt) and Shuri (Ozioma Akagha) were concerned but they seemingly didn’t stand a chance.

That being said, the episode was not without its moments as the action was definitely a highlight with Killmonger showing off more of that swagger of his and with the episode leading to an impressive but short battle sequence in the heart of Wakanda. The voice acting was also great, led by Jordan, but the story was too dull to truly enjoy it.

Let’s try to be more inventive next time.

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