Tokyo Vice (1×05) Everybody Pays Review

Keith NoakesApril 14, 202288/100n/a5 min
Adam Stein
Running Time
63 minutes
HBO Max, Crave
Overall Score
Rating Summary
Everybody Pays offers viewers a little bit of everything as all the main characters found themselves in tense situations.

For our review of the last episode of Tokyo Vice, click here.

This unusually longer episode made for quite the adventure.

Coming off of Samantha’s arc in the last episode, this new episode of Tokyo Vice goes back to the beginning. Starting as a passionate missionary looking to spread the word of God in Tokyo roughly 5 years prior, things obviously didn’t end up that way. She just couldn’t go back after she was done because of the money she stole. In the present, she was still very much in trouble because of it

Katagiri gave Adelstein intel about Ishiuda’s mole but warned about the latter’s gratitude. However, he took him up on it to get info on his investigation. The debtors were targeted and merely redirected to the shady loan company run by the Yakuza after being initially rejected. Exposing the CEO of the legitimate company, Adelstein got him to flip on the crime family responsible but before he could officially get him on the record, he committed suicide. They got to him first. And with that, his story was over at least for now. Adestein took it hard

Sato was given the opportunity to pay it forward like what was done for him. Unfortunately, not roughing up Samantha got him in trouble. That being said, he was saved when it was revealed that his mentor Kume (Masayoshi Haneda) was the mole and working for Tozawa (Ayumi Tanida) while Sato was ordered to kill him. To spare Sato, Kume jumped off the ledge to his death. In attempt to defuse the situation between Ishida and Tozawa, Katigiri propositioned a truce. Whether or not that would happen remained to be seen.

Each having bad days, Adelstein and Sato found each other at Samantha’s club. This became an opportunity for a tense confrontation between Sato and Samantha that took them to her place for some extracurricular activity. Perhaps the two were meant for one another. Keller and Kasamatsu were great together here. Maybe Samantha would need him for what came next as she was blackmailed by the private investigator tasked to find her. Meanwhile, Adelstein and Polina (Ella Rumpf) went on a sightseeing tour.

In regards to that earlier question, Tozawa did not hold off of Ishida as Sato walked into the samurai attack. It was frenetic and intense while it looked like Sato wouldn’t make it if not for a last second save.

If Sato dies, we riot.

still courtesy of HBO Max

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Where to watch Tokyo Vice