- Director
- Alec Berg
- Writer
- Emma Barrie
- Rating
- Running Time
- 25 minutes
- Airs
- Sundays 10pm
- Channel
- HBO, HBO Canada
Overall Score
Rating Summary
For our review of the last episode of Barry, click here.
Barry’s rocky road to redemption continues as Bill Hader remains the highlight be it acting, writing, or directing but he only does the former here. Winkler has never been better as Cousineau, reaching a surprising amount of depth as he further distances himself from the zany acting teacher from season one. Both Barry and Cousineau have been linked since the beginning of this season in what has been a roller coaster of emotions and feelings and the start of this episode was certainly another bright spot as far as they were concerned.
Working together on a ridiculous somehow popular drama that Barry got he and Cousineau in, their roles would sort of echo their relationship in real life as the line between both had become blurred while their unresolved issues came back to the surface. Cousineau’s character could not forgive Barry’s character and all that pent up frustration came out in the form of a punch to the face before he walked off the set. Meanwhile, the Chechens were reeling following the Bolivian attack as Hank and Cristobal continued trying to settle down their own sides which would be easier said than done. Hank could only talk himself out of trouble for so long.
To promote her show as the premiere was approaching, Sally and her co-star Katie (Elsie Fisher) partook in a ridiculous press junket where reporters asked soft and ridiculous questions, looking for soundbites instead of taking her and her show seriously. One can’t help but connect with that. The title of the episode was a frustrated answer from Sally. Ultimately, Barry made for a looming cloud following his yelling match with Sally in the last episode. That discomfort which Katie felt, which nobody else seemed to want to acknowledge, may very well lead to the downfall of Sally’s show if not their relationship.
The Chechens believed they had Fuches in their back pocket, however, he was content with his new home and his goats. That being said, he still had some unresolved issues with Barry. Fuches did not appreciate being thrown away after all he did for him. A frustrated Barry agreed to do a hit on a man named Fernando (Miguel Sandoval), the leader on the Bolivians to deflect attention away from Hank but little did he know, this would be a suicide mission, assuming nothing else got to him first.
Things are about to get tense.
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The EIC of the coincidentally-named keithlovesmovies.com. A Canadian who prefers to get out of the cold and into the warmth of a movie theatre.