Barry (3×04) all the sauces Review

Keith NoakesMay 15, 202292/100n/a5 min
Alec Berg
Jason Kim
Running Time
31 minutes
Sundays 10pm
HBO, HBO Canada
Overall Score
Rating Summary
all the sauces is easily the best episode of the season so far, firing on all cylinders as things were blowing up everywhere.

For our review of the last episode of Barry, click here.

It seemed like things were going to get tense come this latest episode of Barry and they definitely did. As the series has often done thanks to some strong writing, it straddles the line between genres and tones to a near-perfect degree with this season delivering the best episode so far. A few subplots this season have hit some rough patches and are about to get worse. That being said, it still finds plenty of moments of humor within them with one of the best bits of the series thus far. Each character has something going for them therefore balancing all of that within a 30 or so minute episode is a tough task but this episode pulls it off. Though it can be a slow burn at times, it is still a fun ride.

As far as Cousineau was concerned, he believed he was in danger following his slapping of Barry. Little did he know that this his career had seen a resurgence after having been toxic for so long after being called literally every word in the book. That energy did not go unnoticed by the Laws of Humanity showrunners who gave his character a larger role. However, Cousineau’s sole concern was getting out of dodge.

While Barry was getting ready to blow up a house full of Bolivians, Sally was getting ready for the premiere of her show. This was important to her so she wanted to make a good impression. The contrast between the two was somehow tense, emotional, and hilarious as Sally was experiencing the highest of highs while Barry was experiencing the lowest of lows as the bomb he planted was not detonating because of issues with his detonator app. That delay meant Cristobal returned to face Fernando. Undercutting the tension of that encounter was Barry’s ridiculous interaction with the customer service number for the detonator app as we waited to see if the bomb was going to explode. Fortunately both bombs went off at the same time but Cristobal was spared.

The money for the job was Barry’s final step in paying it forward to Cousineau as it seemed like he may be safe now. However, a third bomb essentially went off with Katie sharing her concerns about Barry with Sally following the premiere. Therefore Sally broke up with Barry.

Things would get worse as Fuches’ big plan was to manipulate the family of a man that Barry assassinated into getting their revenge, giving them his address.

And we are only just halfway through the season.

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