She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (1×03) The People vs. Emil Blonsky Review

Keith NoakesSeptember 1, 202286/100n/a4 min
Kat Coiro
Francesca Gailes, Jacqueline J. Gailes
Running Time
32 minutes
Disney Plus
Overall Score
Rating Summary
This week's episode of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law created another hurdle for Walters as she fought to regain control of her narrative.

For our review of the last episode of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, click here.

And the pieces continue to come together. Last week’s episode of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law created another hurdle for Walters that she now had to get over as she fought to regain control of the narrative about her. Meanwhile, this episode also features an incredibly silly yet entertaining B-plot just to show that the series has range and doesn’t always have to be about Walters.

The key to the A-plot was Wong (Benedict Wong) who forced Blonsky to compete in the underground fight club as part of his Sorcerer Supreme training. The Blonsky case was big news and Walters’ association only fueled more rumors and speculation. His parole hearing was a roller coaster until he proved that he wasn’t a danger but special concessions were made for that to remain the case in exchange for his parole request being granted. The comedic side of Wong was refreshing to see as he didn’t have to take things so seriously here and it showed.

The B-plot saw Walters’ comically-misogynistic ex-associate Dennis get defrauded by a shapeshifting elf from New Asgard who convinced him he was dating Megan Thee Stallion who also makes an appearance. The elf also had some fun at the expense of others which perhaps went a little too far. With no one believing that Dennis would ever be fooled, Walters took pleasure in testifying under oath to his ineptness which was all it took for the judge to rule in his favor.

Failing to take control of the narrative about her following a TV interview as She-Hulk, Walters was attacked by a group of thugs with Asgardian weapons for whom she quickly dispatched in satisfying fashion. They appeared to be trying to acquire her blood for an unknown boss. Maybe Titania? Ultimately seeing what she had done, Walters was taken aback. She was not used to it all.

In what appears will be a thing, stay tuned for another mid-credits scene featuring another fun callback to earlier in the episode.

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