See How They Run – A Goofy Murder Mystery Comedy (Early Review)

Keith NoakesSeptember 7, 202285/100n/a6 min
Sam Rockwell, Saoirse Ronan, Harris Dickinson
Mark Chappell
Tom George
PG (Canada), PG-13 (United States)
Running Time
98 minutes
Release Date
September 16th, 2022
Overall Score
Rating Summary
See How They Run is a goofy yet hilarious period murder mystery comedy boosted by a strong cast and a sharp script.

Ever since 2019’s Knives Out, whodunnits have become all the rage. If anything, they are huge opportunities to put great casts together and have them play off of each other. And to their credit, this formula works well granted they are supported by a strong script. That was the case for Knives Out and what will surely also be the case for its upcoming sequel, Glass Onion, and this is also the case with See How They Run. The period whodunnit promises to be extra goofy and full of clashing personalities in the midst of a murder investigation. Despite its chaotic nature, the film still works for the most part thanks to its cast and in particular, the dynamic of Sam Rockwell and Saoirse Ronan who was easily the highlight of the film as Inspector Stoppard and the impressionable Constable Stalker respectively. A hilarious watch in its own right, it is also a gripping mystery full of plenty of twists and turns over the course of its reasonable 98-minute running time. While it won’t be for everyone, its period setting and subsequent premise boosted by some stellar production and costume design are worth commending.

See How They Run takes place in the 1950s London and saw the aforementioned Inspector Stoppard and the rookie Constable Stalker investigate a murder in a West End theatre, putting a halt to a successful play as plans to adapt it into a feature film are also put into jeopardy. A lone wolf, the eccentric Stoppard had his methods but they were nonetheless successful. However, adding Stalker to the equation threw a wrench into things but the two ultimately made it work as he took her under his wing as a mentor figure of sorts. They were a blast to watch together as each essentially reigned in the other over their unique tendencies. Meanwhile, the over-the-top personalities making up the 1950s London theatre scene made for some hilarious moments as the film took shots at the contrast between film and theatre. Not really characters per se, they were merely pieces of a puzzle to be solved. That being said, that mystery was not as simple as it seemed as the film dove deeper into the characters and their connections to the play.

In the end, the best part of See How They Run is its performances, starting with Rockwell and Ronan as Stoppard and Stalker. It would not have worked if not for their great chemistry as they drive the plot forward. Though they’re a blast to watch together, the supporting cast do their part in adding to the ridiculousness with David Oywlowo’s pompous playwright Mervyn Cocker-Norris being the standout amongst the supporting cast. The ultimate standout however was Ronan’s Stalker as she brings the kind of committed deadpan energy to the role unlike what most audiences will expect.

See How They Run thrives in its simplicity as it trusts its actors to carry it but a strong script doesn’t hurt either.

still courtesy of Searchlight Pictures

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