Andor (1×04) Aldhani Review

Olly DycheSeptember 28, 202295/100n/a6 min
Susanna Wright
Tony Gilroy
Running Time
47 minutes
Disney Plus
Overall Score
Rating Summary
The latest episode of Andor proves that its the Star Wars experience fans have been waiting for as it sets the stage for the rebel alliance.

For our a spoiler-free review of the 3-episode premiere of Andor, click here.

This week’s episode of Andor doubles down on everything that makes this series such a spectacular Star Wars experience including brilliant storytelling, intriguing characters and gorgeous presentation. In perhaps the best episode yet, the series tips its toes into the politics of the Star Wars universe. Not only is the political aspect of the universe very intriguing, but we get to spend a lot of time on Coruscant, which is sure to make any fan of Star Wars giddy with excitement.

The episode finally introduces Andor to the Rebel Alliance, which is still in its early days, with a miniscule army and a heavy lack of resources. Meanwhile, Rael and a young Mon Mothma (Genevieve O’Reilly) as they attempt to disrupt the Empire from the inside.

The series continues to prove that Andor is a Star Wars experience not to miss, being very different in tone, spectacle and pace to any other Star Wars series yet. This doesn’t necessarily mean its the best, but it certainly feels more grounded, unique and original enough to warrant much praise over a ginormous series like The Mandalorian.

Andor delves deeper into its story, and the introduction and development of characters is perhaps some of the best in any Disney+ Star Wars series to date. Rael is sure to be a new fan favorite while its intriguing and a joy to see Mon Mothma as a politician fighting for the good of the galaxy, before she was officially a part of the Rebel Alliance.

The visuals are breathtaking, the wide-sweeping shots of the mountains and fields are very reminiscent of the jaw dropping scenes from The Lord of the Rings. As well as the gorgeous, pristine color scheme and production design of the Empire. Though audiences have seen all of this countless times before but one can’t help but still be blown away by how stunning the series’ set pieces are.

Yet again, Andor proves that its the Star Wars experience fans have been waiting for. The writing remains to be brilliant, focusing on story as opposed to heavy cameos, references or action. This episode similarly sets the stage for what looks to be an interesting political angle as well as Andor’s journey with the Rebel Alliance.

*still courtesy of Disney

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