Mayhem! (Farang) – A Bone Crunching Revenge Tale

Alex JosevskiJanuary 15, 202470/100n/a5 min
Nassim Lyes, Olivier Gourmet, Vithaya Pansringarm
Xavier Gens, Stéphane Cabel, Guillaume Lemans, Magali Rossitto
Xavier Gens
R (United States)
99 minutes
Release Date
January 5th, 2024 (limited)
Release Date
January 5th, 2024 (VOD)
Overall Score
Rating Summary
Mayhem! is a fairly bog-standard revenge story punctuated by some of the most brutal action sequences in recent memory.

Mayhem! (or Farang in other countries) is the latest film from French filmmaker Xavier Gens (Frontier(s), Hitman). The film follows Sam (Lyes), a professional boxer and ex-convict who had fled France after his release and now resides in Thailand with a newfound family. Desperate for money to support his new life, Sam is lured back into the criminal world for one last job that happens to go horribly wrong and sets into motion a vicious quest of revenge. While it presents a story audiences have more or less seen countless times before, Mayhem! doesn’t seek to reinvent the wheel but for what it lacks in originality, it makes up for in execution. Taking its time early on to allow audiences to become invested in Sam’s struggle, it becomes easy to simply want to see him overcome his circumstances and get away from his troubled past to start a new life

For those wondering about it, the exclamation mark in the film’s title is well-earned, even if it takes a while to see why. Its third act is where the action truly kicks into high gear and once it does, it is a symphony of bloodshed. Even as someone with a strong stomach for movie violence, the film will definitely push one’s limits as many are likely to find themselves squirming, wincing and shouting at the screen in response to all the titular mayhem. Gens’ direction, along with the film’s sound design, elevate its action choreography tenfold. Every punch, kick, and snap is felt with the impact of a bowling ball being dropped on one’s chest. His camera swooping and flipping through the air for spin kicks and knockouts, enhances the already visceral action to even greater heights.

At the end of the day, Mayhem! (or Farang) is home to the most bone-breaking, brutal and vicious action audiences are sure to see all year but that being said, it will definitely not for the squeamish or feint of heart. Though it doesn’t accomplish anything that audiences haven’t already seen before, it still delivers a very good take on the revenge film subgenre. Ultimately, action fans should get great enjoyment from this one to the point that it is more than worth recommending in whatever fashion it is available, either theatrically or as a VOD rental.

still courtesy of IFC Films

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