Criminal Minds Evolution Season Two Premiere Early Review

Keith NoakesMay 30, 202487/100n/a10 min
Doug Aarniokoski, A.J. Cook
Erica Messer, Matthew Lau
Running Time
102 minutes
Overall Score
Rating Summary
The new season of Criminal Minds: Evolution is off to a strong start, building on last season by adding another adversary to the mix. 

The following is a spoiler-free review of the first two episodes of Season 2 of Criminal Minds: Evolution (or Criminal Minds Season 17), premiering June 6th on Paramount+ in the US and June 7th on Disney+ in Canada.

For our review of the last episode of Criminal Minds: Evolution, click here.

In its first season on streaming, Criminal Minds got the chance to change things up, not having to stick to the usual procedural formula. The freedom of not being on network television meant no longer being shackled in terms of subject matter and adult language while not having to settle matters within a neat 45-minute window. Opting for a serialized storyline over the course of a leaner 10-episode season that saw the BAU face a network of serial killers run by one of the most notorious serial killers they’ve ever faced, Elias Voit. Meanwhile, on network television, the series mostly focused on the case of the week which left little room for character development. Leaning more into character development, the new-and-improved series allowed for more character development by turning the focus to the BAU themselves, making for a more interesting watch. When it looked like the case was over with the apprehension of Voit, he just had to open another can of worms when he had to drop a bomb on everyone by mentioning something named “Gold Star.” Whatever it meant is unclear, but Voit was connected and it was enough to leave many concerned so of course enough to get the wheel rolling on the main storyline of this new season.

As Gold Star found itself on the radar of the BAU, it was already on the radar of the director of the FBI and the Justice Department who were simply trying to cover it up. However, a suspicious murder case that may be connected to Gold Star that firmly put the BAU in the race where they learned that it was a code name for a covertly trained assassin tied to a series of murders with a unique signature. Playing catch up, the connection between he and his growing list of victims was key in uncovering the truth about program that led to Gold Star and the subsequent cover up and get ahead of him before he killed next. Meanwhile, the FBI and the Justice Department were also working to apprehend him though unbeknownst to them, they had a secret weapon. In fact, they were working with Voit who agreed to offer his unique insight in capturing Gold Star in exchange for immunity from the Sicarius case. That being said, how he knew about him was still a mystery and he could very well be telling them whatever they wanted to hear as a means to save himself. He obviously can’t be trusted but they did not have a choice. From there, it became a race between Voit and the BAU to capture Gold Star first so that Voit would not escape being charged for his actions as Sicarius. Already on thin ice with the FBI top brass, the BAU would need to tread lightly.

Learning of the Voit deal, little did they know that the BAU would end up having to work together with him to apprehend Gold Star. An awkward situation to say the least, the plan was for them to use their new circumstances as a means to get Voit to confess to his crimes as Sicarius which would be easier said than done. Merely an added wrinkle to the proceedings seeing that as much as the team wanted to stop Gold Star, they wanted to stop Voit, perhaps even more. While emotions were running high, there was still an investigation to be done. As some looked into the program connected to Gold Star, others followed up on a possible lead into his whereabouts in Utah. That lead, however, devolved as a result of those heightened emotions, seeing the evidence and wanting something to be there when there wasn’t. Though it wasn’t Gold Star, they still caught an unsub but that didn’t mean they weren’t getting closer to him as it was all connected as Voit’s connection with Gold Star became more clear. Chatting with him at some point over his serial killer network, Voit had more of an intimate insight about Gold Star then he first let on so at least so far, he appears to have the upper hand on everyone else. Where that dynamic ultimately goes remains to be seen but this two-pronged approach changes things up once again.

Promoting Zach Gilford and Ryan-James Hatanaka to series regulars, viewers could expect more Voit and Tyler this time around. The first is a given but the latter still had some unfinished business, now as a consultant for the BAU. While the rest of the main cast have not missed a beat, the highlight of these first 2 episodes were easily Joe Mantegna, A.J. Cook, and Paget Brewster, as Rossi, JJ, and Prentiss while Gilford’s Voit is just as much of a deranged wildcard as before. The entertaining back-and-forth game between he and the BAU is made even better by the great chemistry between he and the original cast. And it’s only the beginning.  

In the end, the new season of Criminal Minds: Evolution is off to a strong start, building on last season by adding another adversary to the mix.

still courtesy of Paramount+

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