- Starring
- Dylan O’Brien, James Sweeney, Lauren Graham
- Writer
- James Sweeney
- Director
- James Sweeney
- Rating
- n/a
- Running Time
- 100 minutes
- Release Date
- n/a
Overall Score
Rating Summary
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Losing a sibling is undoubtedly one of the hardest things someone can possibly have to deal with, but losing a twin is an extra level of pain. It’s like losing part of one’s self. Twins share more than just genetic makeup, but often an indelible bond, and it can feel impossible to move on without that attachment. James Sweeney’s sophomore effort Twinless explores this concept. The film stars Dylan O’Brien as Rocky, a man who has recently lost is his twin following a freak car accident and since then, attends a support group for those who have lost a twin. There he meets Dennis (Sweeney), a man who seemingly shares many similarities to Rocky’s brother. From there, the pair develop a brotherly bond as they help to fill the void in each other’s lives. If this was all there is, it would still be a very compelling and unique topic for a film. However, just like last year’s Sundance breakout, A Different Man, its twists and turns, revealing itself to be a completely fresh and thrilling dark comedy.
Sweeney first gained recognition for his debut, the micro-budget comedy Straight Up, which wasn’t a major hit but has since developed a devoted following. However, his latest effort feels like a significant step forward for him. His screenplay is sharp and assured, expertly balancing its tricky tonal shifts, while his direction boasts a notable sense of style. A recurring theme at Sundance this year has been emerging directors taking on lead roles in their own films, a challenge that not everyone can pull off. While Sweeney’s performance may not be as polished as that of the seasoned O’Brien, he tackles an incredibly complex role with skill. Dennis is an elusive and enigmatic character, constantly evolving before our eyes, and Sweeney fully commits to the part.