Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 6: The Crime Scene Review

Keith NoakesFebruary 15, 2019n/a7 min

For our review of the last episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, click here.

Synopsis: Jake and Rosa must deal with a mother in mourning when they work on a difficult murder case with confusing evidence. (IMDB)

Writer: Justin Noble

Director: Michael McDonald

Rating: TV-14

Running Time: 22mins

Airs: Thursdays at 8:30pm on CityTV (Canada)/9pm on NBC (United States)

Jake and Rosa are awesome.

The cold open would feature Jake and a uniquely coiffed Rosa (thanks to her experimenting hairdresser girlfriend she would have different hairstyles in different scenes) investigating a murder that would become increasingly more dope according to Jake as the victim appeared to be killed by a ghost.

Jake was excited about the crime scene but he and Rosa would also encounter an intense CSI named Franko. Jake and Rosa would use their detective skills to make a first impression of the scene though they were interrupted by the victim’s mother who wanted them to promise that they’d find her son’s killer. Jake would go against regulation and make a series of promises to people who reminded him of his own family. They couldn’t find anything so far other than evidence of multiple individuals at the scene.

They would later find the delivery man who was the last person to see the victim alive but they would discover that the person the delivery driver saw was not the victim and was most likely the killer. His sketches would not be any help. Holt would check in on them, however, they had nothing. Days would pass and they would get no further. After 50 days, Jake would lose his mind and the case would be handed to major crimes. Though he claimed to be over it, he continued to investigate it while not sleeping.

Rosa would convince Jake to move on but after speaking to the victim’s mother, the roles became reversed. Their relationship with the victim’s mother reminded her of her contentious relationship with her own mother ever since coming out as bisexual. They would then have a breakthrough, discovering that the killer was a hitman who lived in the vents in the apartment before posing as a CSI tech in order to escape. Despite sharing the news with the victim’s mother, Jake was not done making promises to her.

At the end of the day, Rosa’s time with the case forced her to think about her relationship with her mother so she decided to call her and ask her to meet her so the episode would end with us meeting Rosa’s equally awkward mother.

Overall, The Crime Scene was a great episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine which was both fun to watch and served as a showcase of the excellent chemistry between Jake and Rosa. Jake and especially Rosa’s increasing ridiculous hairstyles were hilarious and the role reversal halfway through would be touching, proving that Rosa has some humanity within her. The case was an interesting one and for the first time this season, the episode focused on one subplot instead of trying to do too much which was nice to see. Because of its many characters, it clearly can’t do this all the time but this episode was probably the best time to do so. It’s encouraging to see that the move to another network hasn’t hurt the series in terms of quality so it will be fun to see where this season goes next.

Score: 9/10

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