Fear The Walking Dead (6×01) The End is the Beginning Review

Keith NoakesOctober 11, 202082/100n/a8 min
Michael E. Satrazemis
Andrew Chambliss, Ian Goldberg
Running Time
51 minutes
Sundays 9pm
Overall Score
Rating Summary
The End is the Beginning was an exciting episode showcasing for Lennie James as it set Morgan on a new path. However it connects to rest of the season remains to be seen.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fear The Walking Dead is now leading the way to provide audiences with their Walking Dead fix for better or worse.

Synopsis: Mortally wounded Morgan must decide whether to help a desperate stranger while a mysterious bounty hunter tries to finish what Ginny couldn’t. (AMC)

For those who have seen any of the promotional material for the new season of Fear The Walking Dead, the impact of the cliffhanger from the end of last season was kind of lessoned as far as Morgan is concerned but at least this season premiere. The End is the Beginning (which is true in a sense), didn’t make viewers wait to check in on where he’s at and suffice it to say that it’s not good which should not come as that much of a surprise to anyone. Wherever he goes from here appears to be off to a promising start though at the end of the day, it’s just a start (we’ve all been more or less through this before).

However, the episode didn’t start with him as it showed a pair of men starting to spray paint a message until they were interrupted by Walkers and then introducing a rather menacing adversary in the form of a man named Josiah LaRoux (Demetrius Grosse) who was armed with a menacing axe and a tracker dog. He was a bounty hunter whom Virginia hired to track Morgan, dead or alive. She may have shot him and left him for dead but there was something about him that worried her. Before that, LaRoux killed a man named Walter who stumbled onto him unbeknownst to the fact that he was his latest target. Meanwhile, the aforementioned Morgan woke up stitched in a limousine (by an unknown character who he was allegedly waiting for) and had set up shop in a water tower. His latest trip into the nearby town was an adventure though he would also come across a good samaritan named Isaac (an army medic) for whom he rejected. Like it or not, they needed to work together to get away from LaRoux.

In the end, Isaac knew who Morgan was (from the videos which he didn’t believe anymore) and simply needed his help to deliver supplies to his expecting wife (Morgan appeared to be immune to Walkers’ detection). After another encounter with LaRoux, it was revealed that Isaac was one of Virginia’s Rangers, albeit a former one. They proceeded for where Isaac and his wife Rachel were hiding, a hollowed out lake behind a dam (it would still be a lake on any map), after disposing of the Walkers outside. Later that evening, they were rejoined by LaRoux for whom had an awesome fight scene (with the occasional Isaac interruption), one working arm and all. Morgan ultimately prevailed, using his axe against him (and taking it for his own). After all of that, Rachel’s baby was born.

The following morning, Morgan woke up all patched up with the bullet inside him removed. Rachel was there with her newborn daughter Morgan but Isaac did not make it because he was bit. Around LaRoux’s body was a key (presumably one that he took from Walter). Meanwhile, Virginia received some bad news when she found a box expecting to have Morgan’s head inside but instead had LaRoux’s. Nevertheless, she believed she could make it work. All she had to do was to convince the others that Morgan was dead. He let her know on the radio that the person she thought she knew was dead and that he was coming for her (I guess he found a new purpose once again). He was watching from nearby while on a horse.

The episode ended with the men who finished their message which of course was “The End is the Beginning”. They also needed that key.

Badass Morgan is badass but let’s wait until we get the full picture.

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