Batwoman (2×14) …And Justice For All Review

Ariba BhuvadMay 18, 202180/100n/a9 min
Rob Duncan
Ebony Gilbert, Maya Houston
Running Time
45 minutes
Sundays 8 PM
The CW, Showcase
Overall Score
Rating Summary
Batwoman gives us an emotionally gripping episode as it addresses the racial discrimination against Black communities.

For our review of the last episode of Batwoman, click here.

Synopsis: Batwoman is faced with a challenge when Gotham’s Snakebite addicts become ravenous for more than the next fix. (TVGuide)

The CW is the type of network that prides itself on being diverse and inclusive with all races, sexual identities, and communities. While not every series is top-notch, the way they tie in people from all walks of life making their stories and characters more relatable is commendable.

In …And Justice For All, the series addresses police brutality and discrimination geared towards the Black community. It’s a jarring reminder of the difficult year that has passed by and is certainly not a watch for the light-hearted.

Things start off at a fundraiser during this week’s episode. Ryan’s new girl, Imani is holding one for a new community center in Gotham. But the event is disrupted when a couple of police officers come in stating there was a noise complaint about the gathering. Ryan was pissed to see that the officers were giving them a hard time for no reason, and despite Luke trying to defuse the situation, it gets out of hand, and Ryan and Luke end up in jail.

Sophie shows up at the fundraiser to find the party was broken up. She gets into a fight with one of the officers and she too ends up in jail with Luke and Ryan. It was clear that the officers were just trying to stir up trouble at a gathering of Black and Brown folks, and arrested everyone for no logical reason. Ryan and Sophie butt heads while in lock-up over the entire situation. Ryan can’t stand the C.R.O.W.S and what they stand for, but it’s important to Sophie because she never saw a Black woman in law enforcement growing up. Having the position she does is a dream come true, and it’s important to her that the world gets to see her in it.

While in lock-up, Gotham starts calling for Batwoman. Due to a Snakebite variant, anyone injecting it is turning into a flesh-eating zombie, and so Gotham is running rampant with people eating each other and no one to stop them. Unfortunately, Ryan can’t go out and do her Batwoman thing because she’s stuck in prison, but luckily, Imani comes through and gets them out.

Speaking of Snakebite, Mary tries to help Jacob work through his addiction from the original version of Snakebite. He’s finally realizing how capable Mary is of her job, and how much passion she brings to it. One man shows up at the clinic while she’s treating Jacob after having injected himself with the new Snakebite. He’s craving human flesh but wants help putting an end to his urges. Mary figures out how to reverse the effects of the drug, but the only way to administer it to the people of Gotham is by injecting them manually. Enter Batwoman.

Meanwhile, Sophie is having issues with a handful of C.R.O.W.S. who are going against her orders in the absence of Jacob. She’s very firm and direct with them and asks them to obey orders, but instead of doing so, they kill a bunch of the Snakebite-riddled people instead of helping them. It’s the last straw for Sophie who decides it’s time to leave the C.R.O.W.S.

There’s not much to report on the Alice/Ocean Circe front. In fact, it pretty much takes a backseat to the rest of the episode. It’s more of Alice realizing Circe is actually Kate but with all her memories erased.

Yup, that’s about it.

The end of this episode is one that is still haunting. Luke spots a guy trying to break into a car, and it’s the same guy that was in lock-up with him and the girls. He opts not to call 9-1-1, but rather tries to talk the guy out of stealing the car. In the process, a white cop shows up and immediately assumes Luke is doing something wrong. When Luke pulls out his phone to show him that this guy is a thief, the cop thinks he’s pulling out a gun and shoots Luke point-blank.

It’s a situation that is all too familiar in our world, and a heartbreaking reminder that this is something that has happened time and time again. I appreciate that Batwoman is addressing this reality, as brutal and gruesome as it may be.

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