Lair – A Breath of Fresh Air In The Horror Genre

Frederick NutiNovember 11, 202183/100n/a7 min
Oded Fehr, Corey Johnson, Emily Haigh
Adam Ethan Crow
Adam Ethan Crow
Running Time
96 minutes
Release Date
November 9th, 2021
Overall Score
Rating Summary
Lair is a multi-layered and totally fun horror film that flips tropes on their side, making for a fun watch.

Paranormal haunting films hold a special place in my heart. Lair, features a promising concept centered around a family that has to battle their inner demons as a man is using their experience to prove the supernatural phenomenal. This is type of story is unusual in the supernatural genre and felt like a breath of fresh air. Although cheesy in some parts, the script and story were still intriguing enough while its likable characters made for a great family dynamic. The cast as a whole brought everything to the table as they looked to be having fun here.

That being said, Lair framed things a little differently but still fell into the some familiar tropes. There is definitely some danger at play here based on a strong opening. From there, the acting stood strong throughout while the script was well written, featuring some intense moments and unexpected scares. The film certainly does not waste any time as it doesn’t force viewers to wait in suspense of what is to come. Despite the low budget, its visual effects looked great. Meanwhile, the fact that some of the characters are on board for the most part with what was happening doesn’t often happen in films like this. Of course, this still happens here but it was still nice to see at least some of them taking the situation seriously.

The family characters are incredible and fun to watch as the film felt relatable and authentic. Viewers will likely understand the motives of each character and where they are coming from. We have all at one point or another in our lives gone through our own lives second-guessing ourselves, feeling unwanted, sacred about small things, and yearning for human connection. Each member of the family are truly facing their own personal inner demons. This was a major theme of Lair and one of the main driving forces of the film. Presenting several layers, this truly helped in connecting with these characters. Nobody is perfect as the film offered a compelling window into their lives as a family.

In the end, horror fans are those that will surely care for Lair as it has a lot to offer in the large expanding genre. The apartment and set design of every location was eerie and spooky. Once the chaos truly ensues, the blood and gore follows, leading to a strong and terrifying third act. Showing the aftermath first and what led to it was a very clever way to hook viewers. The subtle and unnerving score helped drive the intensity of the events occurring on screen. Towards the end of the film it did get a little corny as it tried to force sequels in the hope of making this into a franchise.

Lair is a multi-layered and totally fun watch that many horror fans will really enjoy. It uses the familiar haunted house trope but flips it on its side, showcasing something new and entertaining. The cast does such an incredible job at making viewers really care for them and their safety. The script was very strong and there are some funny moments and some great conversations holding plenty of emotional weight. This is a film that countless viewers are sure to connect to. Its themes are also very important as they can take away a lot after viewing it.

While the ending could have been a little stronger, it nonetheless left this reviewer wanting more and perhaps a sequel. 

still courtesy of 1091 Pictures

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