Batwoman (2×18) Power Review

Ariba BhuvadJune 28, 202170/100n/a10 min
Holly Dale
Caroline Dries
Running Time
45 minutes
Sundays 8 PM
The CW, Showcase
Overall Score
Rating Summary
Batwoman airs its season 2 finale with a series of interesting twists and turns that conclude what has been a mediocre season.

For our review of the last episode of Batwoman, click here.

Synopsis: Ryan questions her place as the city’s hero as she, Luke Fox, Mary Hamilton, and Sophie Moore join forces against Black Mask; Alice’s attempt to rescue her sister means another encounter with Circe. (TVGuide)

Batwoman has officially concluded its second season and once again, it was alright. Admittedly, the season 2 finale was a bit more exciting and eventful than the episodes that preceded it, but there are just some aspects that they need to get past.

The episode begins with Black Mask taking over everyone’s TVs in Gotham City. He delivers a speech that he hopes will incite people to get angry and create a mob. Following his speech, Gotham City has a blackout, leaving everyone without any technology. The Bat Team is forced to use walkie-talkies to communicate with one another, which is always fun, isn’t it? Ryan writes a letter of resignation to Gotham City, walking away from her duties as Batwoman. She doesn’t feel like she can defeat Circe without the Batsuit, so according to her, the days of saving the city have come to an end.

Black Mask is busy trying to create a super army which he hopes will create fear within the city. He will swoop in as himself, Roman Sionis, and emerge as the hero for Gotham City. He’ll “pretend” to kill Black Mask and then be the hero in everyone’s eyes. Russell Tavaroff is his guinea pig for the super serum he’s created, but things go south when Tavaroff’s heart stops beating. Sionis throws Tavaroff’s body out assuming he’s dead. Meanwhile, Luke discovers a new suit that his father must have created back in the day when he dreamt of a Black Batman. It’s quite exciting to see this new suit can take form, and even more exciting to see Luke wear the suit.

Ryan asks Alice to help her out with Circe, but during their fight, Black Mask shows up. Alice sticks behind as Ryan attempts to take down Circe. While speaking with Black Mask, Alice gets emotional and attacks him by spraying Snakebite on his face and running away. Oh, and she makes sure to name-drop the Joker to say that he was a great villain. Interesting, Batwoman, interesting. Because of the chaos around the city, Mary is overwhelmed at the clinic, especially when Tavaroff is brought in. She learns that he’s been injected with snake bite plus something else that has made him very strong. Bane, anyone? Tavaroff wakes up and runs after Mary and pushes her off the rooftop. Luckily, she is caught by Luke, aka Batwing! Yay for a new hero!

Ryan eventually decides to face Circe after seeing Gotham City come to Batwoman’s support. They all use Bat-Signals around the city to show their love and support, and it’s beautiful! Alice shows up again to help fight Circe but during their face-off, they fall over the bridge and into the river below. While in the water unconscious, Alice dreams of Ocean and says goodbye to him once and for all. It’s not real, but it is a sense of closure for her.

By the end of the finale, Circe’s memories of Kate Kane are finally triggered, but it’s a bit too late. Alice and Ryan try to pull Kate out of the water and revive her. For a while, it doesn’t seem like anything is going to bring her back until she finally wakes up spitting out the water. The moment is short-lived, however, because the GCPD arrives and arrests Alice for all the crimes she’s committed over the years. The next day, Ryan has her parole hearing and officially gets off of it after making a case for herself. With all these wins, Team Batwoman celebrates. Kate is back, Ryan is free, and Luke is Batwing!

Even though Kate has returned, she doesn’t plan to stick around to put on the Batwoman suit because she is heading to National City to meet with a friend, after she stops to see Jacob. Kara Danvers, perhaps? Kate tells Ryan that Batwoman is hers, and that put a smile on my face. Ryan comes up with a plan to build a community center right above Mary’s clinic and makes plans to track down all of Batman’s trophies that were stolen. But before she does that, she stops by to visit Alice in prison. And she doesn’t have the most pleasant things to say. She hopes that she and Alice will never see each other again, and to that, Alice has only one thing to say.

Apparently, Ryan’s mother did not die during childbirth and is still alive. Yikes.

As the second season of Batwoman comes to an end, we get a few Easter Eggs that allude to what the third season may bring us. There is a top hat and black-and-white umbrella floating in the river, and then roots starting to grow around the surrounding area. Are Penguin and Poison Ivy coming to Gotham?


Until next season!

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