

We Can Do Bettah

We may now be in 2016 but that does not mean we are done with 2015 just yet. I’ve talked about the movies I’ve seen in 2015 many times before. My final tally for 2015 was 100 movies but that isn’t exactly a complete list as there are still movies I did not see. I included a list of 39 2015 wide release movies (as far as I know) that I did not see below. I...

Classic Keith Vol. 3

I’ve been at this for a little while. I’ve written nearly 300 posts on this site since I’ve started. For some who are unaware of my previous posts. I’ve decided to highlight one here for a series that I will call “Classic Keith”. This next one I would like to share is a post I wrote in the middle of June 2015 about my personal experience with McDonald’s’ McLobster and related it to my life experience.

Inside Out: Out Edition

If you’ve seen Inside Out and wondered what it would have been like without any of the emotions, then this video is for you. It’s a little weird at first but it kind of still works and is still a little sad. But I personally prefer it the way it is.

Classic Keith Vol. 2

I’ve been at this for a little while. I’ve written nearly 300 posts on this site since I’ve started. For some who are unaware of my previous posts. I’ve decided to highlight one here for a series that I will call “Classic Keith”. The second one I would like to share is a post I wrote in early August 2015 about some of the movies I saw that year before starting my site in June....

Buyer Beware (The Worst Movies of 2015)

I’ve already talked about the best of 2015 here but now it’s unfortunately time to talk about the worst. If you are curious, I’ve already talked about this earlier in the year here. You can see for yourselves how many films from that list remain on this one. Here they are along with links to their respective reviews: