

Live TV Blog (Sunday October 4th) Updated

I live blogged some TV shows last Sunday night and it was pretty fun so I thought I’d do it again. If you want to keep up, you can follow me on Twitter or like me on Facebook. Just like last time, I will collect all my tweets and add them to this post sometime on Monday. I apologize in advance for the typos. I also finally know how to embed twitter collections and I posted the tweets...

Makeover *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* Updated

Update Yeah, I changed it again. The P2 theme had some cool features involving the different post types but all of these counted as actual blog posts which I found to be a little intrusive notification-wise. I guess if I had more patience, I could have figured out a way around that. But I don’t have any patience so I just went ahead and changed it to what you see now. I thought this looked...

I’ve Watched Every Show

I haven’t really watched every show but there are definitely some that I would still like to see. Have you ever known people who like to talk about shows that they’ve seen around you even though you haven’t seen them yourself? So if you’ve seen the opening to this year’s Emmy Awards, you would have scene someone in the exact same position (this year’s host Andy Samberg). I found that I could really relate to...