
Classic Movie Review

Classic Review: Love in the Time of Monsters (2014)

Since I’ve started this site, I’ve written a lot of reviews. In case you missed some of my earlier ones, I would like to share an older review of “Love in the Time of Monsters” which originally appeared here. This one holds a little more significance as it was the first screener I’ve ever received and I was also lucky enough to get a whole bunch of extra content including a clip later in the review.

Classic Review: The Lobster (2016)

The Lobster is set in a dystopian future where single people are transported to a retreat where they have 45 days to find a mate otherwise they will be transformed into an animal and sent out into the wilderness. In the resort, they have very strict rituals: Masturbation is banned, sexual relations with the maid are mandatory, and guests must attend and take part in seminars that hammer down the importance of relationships. A single man named...