

Batman v Superman Deleted Scene

If you would like to read my review of Batman v Superman, please click here. Those who have seen it (I’m guessing everyone based on how much money it made on its opening weekend), know that it is not exactly a short film. It’s sometimes hard to fathom that it could possibly be any longer, but it will be with the release of an R-rated extended cut later this summer which promises more content, unseen so...

MCU Supercut – The Road To Civil War

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been an ever growing entity composed of many great films past, present, and future. The next big release, coming very soon, is Captain America: Civil War which from the looks of it, is an Avengers 2.5 of sorts. But how did we get there? The Youtube channel MCUExchange have put together a 7-minute supercut of some Marvel related properties (from movies which I’ve mostly seen, to tv which, besides Agents...

Recycled Animation in Disney Films

If you didn’t already know, Disney has made quite an amount of animated films but you may not know why they’ve been so successful? Yeah, one of those reasons is great characters and timeless stories and maybe you already knew this but they were also very economical with their animation as they reused the same animation over the years in multiple films. If you were ever curious about how they did this, these videos below...

Severus Snape and the Marauders

With the release of Alan Rickman’s final on-screen performance in Eye in the Sky, I would like to talk about one of his other famous roles. That would of course be Severus Snape from the Harry Potter series. While Snape was a great character, he didn’t really have much of a backstory. Some fans have made a 25-minute short prequel film, “Severus Snape and the Marauders”, which will provide us with more information. Its focus...

All Stan Lee Cameos in Marvel Movies (2000-2015)

I don’t think I have to explain to anyone who Stan Lee is. Well in short, he’s one of the main founders of Marvel Comics. I’m sure I also don’t have to tell you that if you’ve seen a Marvel movie, then you’ve seen a Stan Lee cameo. Maybe you missed one or maybe you’ve forgotten one? Maybe you want to see one again?  If you answered yes to any of those questions then the video...