

The Sandlerverse

The Sandlerverse

Keith NoakesJanuary 28, 2016n/a1 min

Are all Adam Sandler movies connected? The crazy-looking guy in this video thinks he figured it out. After watching it, I think he does have some valid points and a lot of free time on his hands.

The Chickening (NSFW)

If you ever saw the Shining (I didn’t BTW) and thought there should be more chickens, then this might be for you. In the short film called The Chickening, scenes from the Shining are remixed with lots of chickens, weird special effects, and a potty-mouthed little boy. Instead of in a hotel, this film is set in a chicken restaurant and resort called Charbay’s Chicken World. After watching it, I’m not sure how I feel about it....

The X-Files Miniseries Preview: “Founder’s Mutation” (Spoilers)

For those who have seen the premiere of the X-Files miniseries tonight (and hopefully enjoyed it) like I have, I have shared a preview of tomorrow’s episode for your viewing enjoyment. I warned about spoilers in the title but if you missed it, the preview on the next page probably has spoilers if you haven’t seen the first episode yet. If you haven’t, then there’s something wrong with you.