Deadpool Honest Trailer

Keith NoakesMay 10, 2016n/a2 min

Everybody knows about Honest trailers, the ones where they look back on old movies and make fun of them. If you would like to see any more honest trailers that I’ve posted, click here. This time, it’s Deadpool’s turn. Unlike past Honest trailers, this one is special since Deadpool himself, a.k.a Ryan Reynolds, makes an appearance in the video. This is kind of fitting as this continues the character’s meta-like nature, breaking the fourth wall once again. I do think Deadpool has been a little over-exposed as of late but this worked for me as it was just another chance to see him again. Everyone else should too as Deadpool has now been released on DVD/Blu-Ray. If you would like to read my review of Deadpool, click here.