Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 – A Masterful Conclusion

Brett SchuttMay 4, 2023100/100n/a8 min
Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Karen Gillan
James Gunn
James Gunn
14A (Canada), PG-13 (United States)
Running Time
150 minutes
Release Date
May 5th, 2023
Overall Score
Rating Summary
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 delivers a masterful conclusion to one of the best franchises in film history.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 is the last chapter in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise before writer/director James Gunn fully takes on the role as the co-CEO of DC Studios. As the final film in the trilogy, suffice it to say that the film has a lot to live up to and accomplish. The stakes are high, and the plot reflects that. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 follows the Guardians as they embark on a journey to save the galaxy once again. However, this time, the life of one of the Guardians was at risk. After one of the them found themselves in near critical condition, it was now up to Peter Quill/Star-Lord and the gang to save one of their own and in the process, face a new villain, The High Evolutionary (Chukwudi Iwuji), who’s desire to create a perfect society had personal ramifications for the Guardians. The film is an emotional space odyssey and compared to the previous two films in the franchise, this latest film is the darkest entry in the MCU in recent memory and a welcome departure for the MCU as a whole.

The sheer idea of a comic book movie trying anything that feels new will inevitably leave certain audiences feeling a little cynical and dismissing it solely on those merits. However, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 is easily the most challenging and cathartic MCU film to date. That being said, a lot will say that it is attempting to juggle too much but there’s something commendable about a film that accomplishes all that this one did within its 2.5 hour running time. Its ability to balance so many tones and characters the film and then have them all pay off in such brilliant and unexpected ways was definitely impressive. Thanks to another brilliant screenplay from Gunn, every character gets their moment to shine.

Meanwhile, the cinematography here is gorgeous, arguably making this entry one of the best looking films anyone will see in theatres this year. Featuring actual shot composition, the colors are vibrant and striking throughout and it doesn’t feel like a cheap green screen spectacle like some of the MCU’s more recent offerings. There’s genuine awe to be had in ever single set piece. That awe is carried over into the action sequences that are all thrilling, including a one take action set piece set to The Beastie Boys that rivals the best action set pieces of recent years.

Unlike some of the most recent MCU entries, the humor here never undermines the film’s heavier themes. All of the humor comes from the characters and is often relevant to what is happening in the scene. While the film is darkest of the franchise, it is very much a Guardians film and a life affirming one at that. If anything, it will make audiences appreciate life a little more and this is what makes this entry unique from other comic book films currently in theatres. Despite being the third entry in the franchise, this film still feels fresh and gives life to a genre that had admittedly become stale for a long time. While this admiration may not be shared by most audiences, the film is one that will be loved by most audiences.

Compared to other comic book films, the plotting feels a lot less rigid. While there is a lot going on here, it never compromises the film’s ability to take its time developing the characters. The sense of finality from being the last installment in the franchise, creates so much tension as opposed to the seemingly immortal nature of the characters in the first two films. With this last installment, everything is up in the air and that makes it that much more thrilling to watch.

With Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3, James Gunn has crafted a masterful conclusion to one of the best franchises in film history. As time goes on, the film is destined for a place among the best comic book films of all time, simply for daring to do something that feels fresh.

still courtesy of Marvel Studios

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