Loki (1×03) Lamentis Review

Keith NoakesJune 23, 202184/100n/a8 min
Kate Herron,
Bisha K. Ali
Running Time
42 minutes
Disney Plus
Overall Score
Rating Summary
Lamentis was an entertaining episode that saw Loki and the variant butt heads and go on a little adventure though not spawning much more in terms of story.

For our review of the first two episodes of Loki, click here.

Where better than another apocalypse for Loki and the newly-revealed female Loki variant (Sophia Di Martino) to have an adventure? If anything, this episode was purely a means to set up the dynamic between both characters with this episode confirming the latter’s name to be Sylvie, or at least that’s what she liked to call herself though don’t call her Loki (thus confirming the internet’s speculation about her identity). What was essentially an understandable feeling out period for the two, not much was revealed about Sylvie and her master plan involving the TVA for whom she had a history with but she did inevitably start to soften up over the course of the episode. It was clear that whatever plan she had, it was well thought-through and had many steps and she had the patience and discipline for it. The two certainly had their moments over the course of the episode as it explored some the many differences and similarities between both characters in what were some fun exchanges thanks to the chemistry between Hiddleston and Di Martino who were both stellar here.

Lamentis started where the last episode left off with Loki and Sylvie walking through a portal that led directly back to the TVA (she got inside information from TVA Hunter C-20 (Sasha Lane) who she had previously captured and used her powers on) where the latter was ready to enact her plan though learned that her magic would not help her but she could still take care of herself. After Loki caught up to her, the two found themselves cornered only for he to save her life and help each other escape once again. Unfortunately, it was to a planet named Lamentis-1, in the future (the purple tinge throughout was a nice touch). As mentioned, this planet was the site of another apocalyptic event where another planet was set to crash into it though it already looked pretty desolate when they got there. Meanwhile, their time pad would be no help due to a low battery therefore their adventure was to find a power source to power the pad so they can get to wherever they were planning to go next.

It soon became clear that their way to a power source was tied to the efforts from the people of Lamentis to protect themselves from what was to come and get off the planet. Loki and Sylvie had a moment on a train until he just had to get drunk and ruin it for the both of them and forced the two to get thrown off and destroying what was left of the time pad. In that moment of frustration, she inadvertently revealed more of herself. In the end, Loki and Sylvie’s only chance was to basically change history by saving a shuttle that was initially determined to have been destroyed during the apocalyptic event before ever leaving the planet. The one shot sequence of the two frantically making their way to the shuttle was exciting to watch but it would be in vain as they were too late.

The one big thing to come out of this episode was arguably the reveal that the employees of the TVA were indeed not created by the Time Keepers though rather what appeared to be mind-wiped variants based on the opening sequence with Sylvie and C-20 as the latter still possessed a connection to her human side in her love of margaritas (perhaps similarly to Mobius’ affection for jetskis). It’s ultimately unclear how far this goes but it just adds another interesting wrinkle for whatever is to come next and with only 3 episodes left, it is bound to happen real soon.

Being now halfway through the season, the lack of progress is admittedly a little concerning, choosing ambition over storytelling so let’s hope the back half gets its act together.

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