
batman v superman

Affleck v Affleck

If you are looking forward to the release of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice on Friday and also are a big fan of Ben Affleck, then this video may be for you. Now many actors have played Superman in the past but some may not know that Affleck also played Superman, or the actor George Reeves who played Superman in the 1950s TV series “The Adventures of Superman”, back in the 2006 movie “Hollywoodland”....

It’s The Final Trailer (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Final Trailer)

Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice is a big movie (but I didn’t really need to tell you that). There have been many trailers released so far, each full of action and excitement but not really giving too many plot hints (I don’t read comic books so those who do can probably see more than I can). This new “final” trailer appears to offer more than all the others did (they seemed to all be the same,...

Trailer Overload

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Everybody already knows about this one but here’s another trailer anyway. This one doesn’t really give much more of the story away but it sure is loaded with action. People seem to be against Superman a little more here. We also get another glimpse of Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman without her costume. Some may not have been a fan of Ben Affleck’s casting as Batman (I’m still on the fence)...

Die Batman! (Batman v. Superman TV Spot)

For more of an explanation, please refer here. In that post I talked about a previous trailer for Batman v. Superman and all of its excitement. The reason why I’m doing this is that a new trailer for the movie just came out. It isn’t necessarily a new trailer, it’s a TV spot that features most of the stuff in that previous trailer but there is a little more new stuff that hasn’t been seen yet....

Trying Hard to Be Civil War: Batman v Superman Trailer

I’ve been analyzing a lot of trailers lately but I thought this one was deserving. The Batman v Superman trailer was just released and it was exciting to say the least. I’m not completely sure why but Clark Kent/Superman (Henry Cavill) and Bruce Wayne/Batman (Ben Affleck) sure don’t like each other. I’m also not exactly sure what the main conflict is but there definitely was some action involving both main characters. There was also something...