
dream horse Archives

Best & Worst Movies (August 2021)

Despite the reopening of movie theatres starting to take a hit because of the Delta variant, film releases are continuing at a decent pace though with shorter windows and shifts to VOD and PVOD as a result of shifting release strategies. Meanwhile, festival season is now upon us with the Toronto International Film Festival starting next week. That being said, check out our picks for the top 3 best and worst movies of August 2021.

Sundance 2020 Movie Preview

Yours truly is super excited to be covering this year’s Sundance Film Festival, the first big festival of 2020. Expect both plenty of big premieres (The Last Thing He Wanted, Downhill, Promising Young Woman) of films big and small along with lesser known films hoping to get big as they gain steam over festival season, hoping to make their way to awards season. Welcome to our Sundance 2020 movie preview, where we let you know...
