
nightmare Archives

There’s Something Wrong With Daddy

I’ve talked about Korean music videos here and I have to say that some of them are kind of catchy. So with that being said the Korean singer, Psy (the Gangnam Style guy), who is apparently still a thing and now has a new song and it’s video was just released on Youtube recently. It is called “Daddy” and I am ashamed to say that I kind of like it. It will probably get a gazillion...

Where Nightmares Are Made

I have been working at a grocery store for nearly 7 years. People have come and gone, the store has changed, the way things are done has changed but what has the stayed the same is the PA system has not. The system would usually have announcements and play the pinnacle of easy listening music. The majority of the music is love songs because people shopping want to be constantly reminded of how alone they...
