

Winter TV Preview

We are well into winter and that means new shows and the return of old ones. So far we have covered several shows where you can find here but with this new season comes new shows to cover and the return of shows we were covering. Here is a list of the new and returning shows (with links) which we will be covering this winter as well as their respective return dates.

Quantico Season 2 Episode 8: ODENVY Recap

If you would like to read a recap of the last episode, click here. The last episode was the best episode so far this season as it started to move things along. The story had been pretty much stagnant so far with no clear resolution in sight but seeing that this is the midseason finale, it promises to resolve certain things while still still giving us reason to keep watching once the show returns. Promos...

Quantico Season 2 Episode 7: LCFlutter Recap

If you would like to read a recap of last week’s episode, click here. Other than one kind of predictable reveal, nothing much happened in the last episode. Things have almost screeched to a grinding halt. Nothing seems to be going anywhere either in the past or the present. All the pieces are just sitting there, waiting to be used. Sure, we are learning more about the characters but what does it all mean?

Quantico Season 2 Episode 6: Aqualine Recap

If you would like to read a recap of last week’s episode, click here. Last week’s episode helped to bridge the gap between both timelines by fleshing out the past timeline but the show has failed so far this season to connect both timelines. There is still very little to connect the CIA recruits in the past to the terrorists in the present. The season hints at a conspiracy but features too many moving parts,...