The Flash (7×10) Family Matters, Part 1 Review

Ariba BhuvadMay 19, 202165/100n/a8 min
Philip Chipera
Lauren Barnett, Emily Palizzi
Running Time
43 minutes
Tuesdays 8pm
The CW
Overall Score
Rating Summary
Barry is once again creating and taking on the world's problems upon his shoulder--for no reason whatsoever on this week's episode of The Flash.

For our review of the last episode of The Flash, click here.

Synopsis: Iris is pushed to the limit as she seeks to uncover the mysterious truth about Psych; Barry initiates a new training system that could potentially backfire; Joe and Cisco make life-altering decisions. (IMDb)

It’s all about the family of Flashes during this week’s episode of The Flash. The Forces, well at least two of them, are officially a part of Team Flash, and it’s going to be quite an interesting dynamic. And what timing considering they’re losing Cisco and Wells! Sigh, I’m still not okay with that.

The Speed Force/Nora is pissed beyond belief and with all that anger directed at Barry, she’s ready to make him regret everything he’s said and done to her. Which really isn’t much, but okay. In any case, her plan is to kill all of the Forces because they’re evil, but she’s not any better, so there’s that. Her desire to kill the Forces and make Barry pay has made her a deadly adversary. And she’ll do whatever it takes to reach her goal, even going from wanting to kill Deon to befriending him. This chick doesn’t care and she’s ready to do whatever.

My heart goes out to Barry who has to deal with the Speed Force who just so happens to have his mother’s face. That can’t be good for him mentally, can it?

Family Matters, Part 1 focuses mostly on Barry trying to train Alexa, who isn’t ready to let the Force (a.k.a Fuerza) within her out. She doesn’t have the control needed to keep Fuerza at bay, but Barry doesn’t seem to care. He keeps pushing her and pushing her knowing that it’s not going to work out unless he takes a step back. Caitlin has to insist he let Alexa take a break after Fuerza comes out but she’s not able to control her. Why Barry has to have this arc in every single episode? It’s getting so annoying. He doesn’t need to be the hero and carry all this guilt with him all the time, it’s getting so old.

Luckily, Alexa comes through when Barry needs her the most in his battle against Bashir (a.k.a Psych–one of the Forces). He’s one of the Forces, and he’s out for blood against a group of his rich college friends. He’s been visiting one by one, but in the end, Barry and Alexa get through to him. The same cannot be said about the Speed Force who shows up at the end of the episode and appears to kill some of Team Flash, apart from Barry.

Meanwhile, Joe butts heads with Kramer over how metahumans should be treated. She wants to rid Central City of them and has the metahuman cure in her arsenal to do it, but Joe has an entire family of metahumans, so that’s not exactly how he wants to go about this. Since they aren’t on the same page, Joe makes a bold move and decides to quit the CCPD. It’s quite an unexpected move, but a on brand for him. He’s doing what feels best for him and is taking charge of his life.

And then there’s Cisco and Kamilla, who haven’t told anyone from Team Flash that they are planning on moving away. I have a feeling that they are going to be heartbroken when they find out, and it doesn’t help that Cisco is completely lost about what he wants to do.

Here’s to hoping things work out in the end–for Team Flash and Cisco.

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