This Is Us (6×02) One Giant Leap Review

Ariba BhuvadJanuary 12, 202295/100n/a9 min
Kay Oyegun
Kevin Falls
Running Time
43 minutes
Tuesdays 9pm
Overall Score
Rating Summary
This Is Us melts our hearts with a story about Nicky reuniting with a woman from his past, thanks to the help of Rebecca and Miguel.

For our review of the last episode of This Is Us, click here.

Synopsis: Nicky, Rebecca, and Miguel go on a road trip. (IMDB)

Stay still my beating heart, this week’s episode melted my heart in a way that This Is Us has absolutely perfected. It’s amazing how a series can so consistently produce such amazing content even six seasons in. This week we left the Big Three behind and focused on secondary characters which this series does so well.

The focus was on Déjà, Nicky, and I would even argue Miguel. It was all about their love stories, and I was consumed by every moment of it. Let’s start things off with Déjà!

She goes to Boston to visit Malik who is studying at Harvard. Things are off to a weird start when she arrives and immediately has to meet Jennifer, the woman Malik has a kid with. Jennifer isn’t in the best of moods because Malik doesn’t have anything ready for her to take Janelle, and in the process, Déjà has to deal with Jennifer’s attitude.

It becomes clear that Malik is having a hard time balancing everything–school, Janelle, life. He finally admits it to Déjà and because she’s the best girlfriend, she tells Malik to go finish up the paper he’s stressed about. It cuts down on their time together, but it is all worth it in the end. Déjà wears an adorable dress, the two go for a night out and end up sleeping together for the first time. It was Déjà’s first time, and it could have gone more perfect.

Will they end up together forever and ever? We’ll have to wait and see!

Rebecca and Miguel plan a road trip to help Nicky reconnect with a woman from his past. We saw a younger version of her in the episode where a young Nicky decides to enlist instead of going to Woodstock with her. But in the years since, he’s regretted leaving her behind. He tells Rebecca and Miguel that he’s already spoken with Sally, but in reality, she has no idea that they are coming. In fact, Nicky doesn’t even know if it’s the Sally from his past, but despite any doubts, they end up on Sally’s doorstep. And guess what? It was the right one!

This was a great part of the episode because Nicky is completely candid about how he has felt about Sally all these years, even though she is married and her husband is right there. As we come to learn, their marriage isn’t that great, and Sally is not very happy with him. Nicky doesn’t manage to tear them apart nor does he even want to, but it does result in a life-changing trip for everyone, especially Rebecca.

Admittedly since her diagnosis, Rebecca hasn’t been feeling that great about her life and more importantly herself. Talking to Sally made her realize that she can still live life to the best potential possible, and is motivated to go back to salsa dancing with Miguel. This results in an adorable scene of the two of them in a salsa class, having the time of their lives. This Is Us reminds us that we’re never too old to feel young. Sigh, I’m going to miss this show.

As far as Nicky and Sally go? Well, Sally’s marriage may be over, but she certainly won’t end up with Nicky in the end. As Nicky, Miguel, and Rebecca head home, Nicky reveals that he is going to go back east. He is going to work on the cabin (yes, the cabin from the flash-forward). And as life continually surprises folks on This Is us, Nicky ends up meeting a woman named Edie, his flight attendant, on the flight back. We get another flash-forward simultaneously only to learn that Nicky is happily married–to Edie! Who shows up to the cabin where the family has gathered for Rebecca’s final moments.

Sigh, there is so much to love, and all the love stories that have come from it (and may still be coming!).

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