What If? (2×07) What If… Hela Found the Ten Rings? Review

Keith NoakesDecember 28, 2023n/a5 min
Bryan Andrews
Matthew Chauncey
Running Time
29 minutes
Disney Plus

For our review of the last episode of What If?, click here.

This latest episode of What If? saw Hela, the Goddess of Death, seemingly turning a new leaf as she looked to reform her treacherous ways. After helping her father Odin unite the nine realms under the rule of Asgard, she wanted more as her hunger for blood had yet to be satiated. Insteading of banishing her to hell as was in the original universe, she was banished to Earth and had her power stripped. However, her air of superiority still remained. Falling into the lap of Wenwu (Fedor Chin), she quickly realized that she was out of her depth without her powers. That being said, she still had her ways as she had become a fascination of his. That fascination soon became something more, something she was not comfortable with therefore she escaped. Hela’s next stop was with the Ta Lo who taught her the way of the light. Initially apprehensive, her experience with the Ta Lo was an eye-opening one for her as they helped her find the root of her issues though in order the move on, she would have to face her father.

Fortunately for her, Hela’s journey did not go unnoticed by Odin as Wenwu’s Ten Rings fell on his radar so he came down to Earth to reclaim them but Wenwu was not going to give them up without a fight. Spotting the fight from a distance, she joined forces with a surprised Wenwu to take on a man who had become the kind of person she was when he banished her. The conclusion of Hela’s arc, while predictable, was still exciting and satisfying to watch as Hela embraced the light and stood up to her father. Taking the reigns from her father, she and Wenwu joined forces for good, building an empire that amassed the cosmos.

Once again, it’s another case of wanting more because of Cate Blanchett’s magnetic performance as Hela. Offering more of her trademark snark, she added more dimensions to the character. Entertaining at just about everything as Hela, one can’t help but of wanted more from her, or at least this version of her and the world of Shang-Chi which she got to enhabit for around 30-minutes.

still courtesy of Marvel Studios

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