What’s Love Got to Do with it? – Presenting The Familiar From a Different Perspective

Keith NoakesMay 24, 202370/100n/a9 min
Lily James, Shazad Latif, Shabana Azmi
Jemima Khan
Shekhar Kapur
PG (Canada), PG-13 (United States)
Running Time
108 minutes
Release Date
May 19th, 2023
Overall Score
Rating Summary
What's Love Got to Do with it? is a decent light-hearted romcom that fails to utilize its unique perspective in a strong enough way.

There’s only so many ways to dress up romcoms and still keep things interesting. Whatever the premise happens to be, the most successful films are built on a foundation of compelling stories and likable leads that audiences can connect with. If there isn’t that connection, it makes for a futile venture. That being said, after a while, it can feel like essentially watching the same film over and over again. To that point, increased representation across more mainstream films has helped to arguably break that monotony by offering various perspectives that put a new spin on old ideas and themes or present new ideas that audiences would probably not have experienced otherwise. What’s Love Got to Do with it?, not to be confused with the Whitney Houston song of the same name, is a decent British romcom told from a different perspective that takes its familiar in a compelling direction. Touching on some important subject matter, the film fails to deep enough with it and rather relies on the safe approach with its story and characters. However, that approach works well with the strong dynamic of Lily James and Shazad Latif leading the way.

What’s Love Got to Do with it? explores the idea of love through a pair of childhood friends and neighbors named Zoe (James) and Kaz (Latif). Zoe, a famed documentary filmmaker, struggled to find Mr. Right, embarking on a steady stream of failed dates with men who just weren’t right for her. Kaz, a doctor, believed the answer to his love woes was to follow in the footsteps of his parents and take the arranged marriage route (though now they were called assisted marriages). Looking for her next big project, Zoe decided to document Kaz’s journey to find his future wife, from the matchmaking process to his ultimate marriage. Suffice it to say that there was a lot more to that story, with many elements that can be seen from a mile away but nevertheless, it was still fun to watch. Observing Kaz from afar, Zoe couldn’t help but reflect on her own struggles. Being neighbors all of their lives, their families were tightly intertwined and that contrast between Zoe and Kaz and the contrast of cultures was interesting and brought forward plenty of fun and wholesome moments permeating throughout.

While Zoe had her struggles with love, Kaz was confident in the path he chose on his own. Though the outcome of their respective arcs was predictable, that journey was compelling to watch because they were flawed yet so likeable as characters. Pushing Zoe and Kaz’s friendship so hard which is understandable as the story was about them, it prevents the film from going even deeper with its themes and exploration of culture as it chose to go the easier lighter route for the most part. The will they or won’t they factor, a romcom staple, was perhaps dragged out a little longer than it needed to be as a subplot laying below the surface for most of the film eventually surfaced and led to a tonal shift that threatened the landing. As much as Zoe and Kaz were intertwined and however close they were as friends, there were still some things she didn’t know therefore unwittingly unearthed. In the end, it was merely a minor hurdle that added a hopeful dimension to its already predictable conclusion.

The best part of What’s Love Got to Do with it? was the aforementioned performances from James and Latif and their stellar chemistry as Zoe and Kaz. Despite coming from distinct backgrounds, their story was a universal one and their collective likability and relatability helped bring it to life in a resonant way. Telling a familiar story from a different perspective, the predictable arcs, story beats, and tropes were still there but James and Latif were so fun to watch that it didn’t matter. Meanwhile, Azmi and Emma Thompson as Kaz and Zoe’s respective mothers delivered scene-stealing performances based on their heartwarming mom energy alone with each attacking their moms from opposite ends of the spectrum.

Ultimately, What’s Love Got to Do with it? doesn’t reinvent the wheel but for what it lacks in originality, it makes up for in familiar charm that romcom fans will be right at home with. While its fresh perspective is enough to make it stand out, whether or not it has any staying power is unlikely.

still courtesy of STUDIOCANAL SAS and Shout! Studios

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