“Band-Aid”was another audience favorite at Sundance this year and so naturally, it was quickly added to my watch-list following it’s World Premiere screening at the festival. Since then, the film has now been released into US theatres and on Select VOD platforms following a short but equally well received festival run and thanks to the folks at IFC Films , I got my chance to check it out recently.
Synopsis: “Band-Aid”is the story of a couple, Anna and Ben, who can’t stop fighting. Advised by their therapist to try and work through their grief unconventionally, they are reminded of their shared love of music. So, in a last-ditch effort to save their marriage, they decide to turn all their fights into song, and with the help of their neighbor Dave, they start a band. (IFC Films)
Starring: Zoe Lister-Jones, Adam Pally, and Fred Armisen
Writer: Zoe Lister-Jones
Director: Zoe Lister-Jones
Rating: R
Running Time: 91mins
“Band-Aid”isn’t the best movie of the Summer or anything like that but for what it is; there was still plenty of fun to be had. This is a light, breezy, funny, clever and entertaining film that’s sure to please the majority of those who choose to seek it out this Summer. It’s no surprise that this one was so well liked at Sundance as it is definitely a Sundance film, hitting a lot of similar beats but is also original in it’s premise and execution and is even somewhat zany too.
Likewise, it is also a well balanced dramedy that mostly works, featuring some solid laughs and a surprising amount of emotional moments that sneak up on you. It would make a great choice for a date night and many of those who have already seen it will surely agree. There are flaws but it is still really solid regardless and it’s sure to put a smile on your face if you just go along for the ride. If you are one who constantly seeks out the latest quirky indie film than this one may be for you. It’s light and breezy and with a running time of a mere 91 minutes, it mostly flies by. Zoe Lister-Jones as Anna and Adam Pally as Ben have great chemistry together and their fights are all very easily genuine and relatable. They are stuck in a rut in their lives and they don’t know what to do and this fact should surely resonate with many others in their early-late 20’s/30’s that feel the exact same way. There are some cheesy moments and lines of dialogue *especially in the early songs* that make for some awkward moments but thankfully they are far and few between and don’t take away from the fun of things. Fred Armisen as Dave acted as the unneeded comic relief whose subplot went nowhere.
On that note, Zoe Lister-Jones is very worthy of praise as while starring in the lead role, also wrote and directed this film. She is no stranger to acting as she has appeared in many other things at this point in her career but she does deserve some recognition as this is her first feature film directorial debut. She gives the film more of a female touch and keeps it from being the clichéd mess it could have been. She is a rising talent who is definitely worth keeping an eye on in the future. It’s a shame that the movie isn’t doing near as well as it should be but hopefully this review and others like it will help her out once the film is more widely available on Home Video platforms.
My Verdict: 3.0 out of 5.0 Stars: “Band-Aid”isn’t the feel-good movie of the Summer or anything like that but I will say that it’s the perfect date movie. It’s light, breezy, funny and at times really emotionally impactful too. With a running time of 91 minutes, the film flies by and while it doesn’t have a lot of rewatch value, it is still a good time. I would say check it out if you’re interested as it managed to put a smile on my face for sure. Zoe Lister-Jones is a rising talent to watch for in the future and the rest of those involved put in some good work here as well. Overall, this is a solid flick and I can certainly see why it was one of the audience favorites at Sundance this year.
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