Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 2: Hitchcock & Scully Review

Keith NoakesJanuary 18, 2019n/a7 min

For our review of the last episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, click here.

Synopsis: Jake and Charles investigate a case of Hitchcock and Scully’s from the 1980s; meanwhile, Amy’s uniformed officers and Terry’s detectives fight over limited resources.(IMDB)

Writer: Lang Fisher

Director: Cortney Carrillo

Rating: TV-14

Running Time: 22mins

Airs: Thursdays at 8:30pm on CityTV (Canada)/9pm on NBC (United States)

If you couldn’t tell, this episode focused heavily on Hitchcock and Scully so it only makes sense that it would start with a retro opening featuring their younger versions (Alan Ritchson and Wyatt Nash as Young Hitchcock and Young Scully respectively) working undercover to bust a cocaine dealer in spectacular fashion.

The precinct is starting to face the repercussions from Holt’s actions at the end of the premiere as Commissioner Kelly has blessed them with an influx of desks and more officers as the first floor moved up to the second floor. Suffice it to say that Holt’s new attitude was not going to change anytime soon which could potentially make things even worse as he was set to air his grievances on TV. Everyone had to adjust to their new surroundings and some were handling this better than others. Conflict arose between Amy’s downstairs people and the other upstairs people. Charles was looking into adopting again but Jake believed that he was being scammed which is likely considering Charles’ gullibility.

Meanwhile, Commissioner Kelly ordered internal affairs to force them to open one of Hitchcock and Scully’s old cases from the 1980s. Jake was obviously excited about going back in time. Times have changed for Hitchcock and Scully as they were nowhere near their much cooler 80s counterparts. The big issue was a missing bag of cash recovered from a cocaine bust. The current versions of Hitchcock and Scully would prove to not be much help in the matter. Jake and Charles were split about their guilt. Their investigation of Hitchcock and Scully got them a lot closer in a way that we have ever seen. While it seemed that they were guilty, they were just helping one of their confidential informants who wasn’t allowed to enter witness protection. Evidently, the order to reopen the case came from the gangsters who were just looking for the confidential informant. While the gang arrived just in time, it was Hitchcock and Scully that saved the day thank to their “slut sauce”. They were still found guilty but were punished with desk duty which to them wasn’t really a punishment.

Because Holt was occupied, Gina did the TV interview on his behalf and was herself which probably didn’t help. Seeing how his actions affected the precinct, Holt agreed to tone down his activism so it didn’t come at the expense of the precinct who would rally around him.

The episode ended with the reveal of what led to Hitchcock and Scully becoming who they were today which was the infamous “slut sauce”.

Overall, Hitchcock & Scully was a great episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine that finally gave Hitchcock and Scully their due by bringing them to the forefront instead of using them as the comic relief. While it could have gone further with their story (maybe we’ll get more flashbacks in the future?), what we got was fun to watch with some comic relief moments from Hitchcock and Scully and reminded us who these people used to be up until their eventual downfall. The subplot within the precinct, including the upstairs-downstairs war, was interesting to watch and the back and forth game between Holt and Commissioner Kelly doesn’t look to end anytime soon. It will definitely be exciting to see what will happen from here.

Score: 8.5/10

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