What We Do In the Shadows Season 1 Episode 2: City Council Review

Critics w/o CredentialsApril 4, 201970/10015126 min
Paul Simms
Jermaine Clement
Running Time
24 minutes
Wednesdays 10pm
FX Canada, FX
Overall Score
Rating Summary
With a fairly decent follow up to its pilot, City Council helps What We Do In the Shadows to slowly build a comical and interesting narrative by choosing to not only feature the main core of vampires but expand their focus beyond that towards newly formed vampires, familiars and humans that are just as humorous.

For our review of the last episode of What We Do In The Shadows, click here.

Synopsis: The vampires get embroiled in local Staten Island politics as their first step to world domination. (IMDB)

Vampires love virgins. That’s a fact. In an effort to please the house, Guillermo attempts to locate fresh virgins so the vampires can feed and what better way to find a large group of them together in order to feed on than a local LARPing session? Side Note: For the sake of those reading this, I have to assume you already know what LARPing is.

This hunt leads us to Jenna aka “Jenelf,” a LARPer who Nadjia empathizes with and turns her by the end of the episode. Looking ahead, this could be the first step towards actually getting Guillermo to join the creatures of the night. This could be the ship we never saw coming but time will tell.

The main story of City Council centered around the vampires trying to fulfill their promise to the Baron to takeover the new world, or in their case, Staten Island. At a loss for their next move, Colin Robinson, the energy vampire, comes to the rescue by suggesting that they start with the section of government that seems to hold the most power – the City Council. Colin continues to be the single greatest contribution that this show has to offer and with ample screen time in this episode he is able to really shine.

Colin leads the party to the local city council meeting and immediately seems in his element as he marvels at the “banality and despair” of it all. But the best part to me was when he seized the opportunity to conduct a mass feeding by addressing the council and members of the meeting with a long and drawn out speech involving the unabridged Websters dictionary definition of the word “ordinance.” While any moment involving Colin wouldn’t be the best to all viewers but he continues to be one of the main reasons worth coming back each week.

When the city council proves uneventful, Nandor and Lazlo take matters into their own hands choosing to target specific members on the council in order to infiltrate and control them. Nandor’s influence over council member Doug Peterson (Richie Moriarty) greatly backfires when he is driven mad throwing insults and threats towards the council president eventually having to be removed from the meeting. Lazlo doesn’t fair any better as his attempts to woo Barbara Lazaro, the council president, results in him leaving a pile of dead raccoons on her doorstep in fantastic fashion. Needless to say, the group is no closer dominating the world let alone Staten Island any time soon.

It remains to be seen if the show warrants you sticking with it beyond its next episode but as long as they keep giving Colin Robinson the energy vampire screen time, this reviewer will be watching.

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