A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood Official Trailer

Wannabe Movie CriticJuly 22, 2019n/a4 min
In Theatres
November 22nd

Tom Hanks has had so many incredible performances in his life, but Fred Rogers is the role he was born to play.

After the documentary that broke everyone’s hearts with Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, we are getting another film adaptation based one of the most beloved and famous children’s television hosts, Fred Rogers, with A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. So pull out your sneakers and cardigans, because this will surely be another touching and emotional journey.

Now who better to play one of the most kind and caring souls to ever grace this earth, than another kind and caring soul in Tom Hanks? Looking spot on to even the tiniest little mannerism, Hanks has gone bye-bye and totally immersed himself into the world that Mr. Rogers had built. Even if A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood doesn’t turn out to be a fantastic movie, just from watching this trailer, you can bet that Tom Hanks will be a shoe-in for an Oscar nomination. His last nomination came all the way back in 2001 with Castaway, and his last win was 24 years ago with Forrest Gump. That would be so achievement to win Oscars that far apart from one another.

Directed by Marielle Heller is coming off Can You Ever Forgive Me?,where the star Melissa McCarthy was nominated for an Oscar. So you know that Marielle is capable of getting the most out of her stars. Overall this trailer of A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood looks the part, from every little detail on the set of his show to capturing the essence and the true character of Fred Rogers.

This one could be special.

*still courtesy of Sony Pictures Entertainment*

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