The Flash (6×14) Death of the Speed Force Review

Ariba BhuvadMarch 12, 2020n/a6 min
Brent Crowell
Sam Chalsen, Emily Palizzi
Running Time
42 minutes
Tuesdays 8pm
The CW
Overall Score
Rating Summary
This week sees zen Wally West's much overdue return in this rather exciting episode of The Flash!

For our review of the last episode of The Flash, click here.

Synopsis: Kid Flash returns to Central City with a Zen attitude and new tricks up his sleeve; Wally confides to Barry that he returned because he thinks there is something wrong with the speed force; Cisco returns from his fact-finding mission. (IMDb)

Wally West is back! Well, at least for this episode. Things are a bit of a hot mess after his return prompts the realization that the Speed Force is…dying. Yes, literally dying. It turns out that when Barry had Spectre help him get into the Speed Force during the Crisis, it infected the Speed Force. It’s crumbling, and Barry and Wally’s powers are being affected. And as the Speed Force does die out, so do their powers. I have no idea what this will mean for the speedsters, but Central City is surely going to struggle without the protection Barry has provided.

It was great to see Wally West back in the mix because he’s always been a fun character to have around. It’s still a shame that he left the Arrowverse in the first place, especially after his wonderful stint on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Meanwhile, this week’s villain of the week involved the Crisis’ version of Turtle, who Cisco now calls Turtle 2. She’s able to age her victims until they literally become a literal mummified version of themselves–super creepy. But never fear, The Flash and Kid Flash are on the case! Oh, how we missed them working together. Unfortunately, they have very little speed left within them so they had to use it sparingly.

While we’re talking about villains, can we talk about the extremely slow arc that is the new Mirror Master situation? How long will Iris stuck in the mirror dimension, and how what is the evil Iris’ plan? I mean apart from her zapping Cisco’s girlfriend into dust (by the way, is she dead now?). Oh, and Cisco is back from his travels, by the way! (I don’t want to know how he will react to what evil Iris just did, though).

Things did take a scary turn when Cisco realizes that Nash isn’t Nash, and Thawne has taken over his body. We really don’t give enough credit to Tom Cavanaugh who is an incredible actor. He is able to play any character at the snap of a finger, and watching him transform into Thawn was quite frightening, to say the least. Whatever Thawne has planned is definitely a bit worrying, but it does give Barry the idea to try and create their own Speed Force just as Thawne created his own.

Until next week!

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