Best & Worst Movies (August 2020)

Keith NoakesAugust 31, 2020n/a4 min

August saw a sharp turnaround in the COVID-19 pandemic for the majority of the developed world (except for the United States) as cases have consistently dropped or stabilized in most cases, allowing for a reopening of businesses and a return to a somewhat normal life, including movie theatres. While many of the big movies have yet to make an appearance, the month still had decent offerings to satisfy our viewing needs. Check out our picks for the top 3 best and worst movies of August 2020.

The best reviewed movies for the month of August are:

3 – You Cannot Kill David Arquette

2 – Tenet

1 – Boys State

The worst reviewed movies for the month of August are:

3 – Valley of the Gods

2 – The Sleepover

1 – Euphoria

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